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package app
import (
tmdb "github.com/tendermint/tm-db"
abci "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
authexported "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/exported"
validatorvesting "github.com/kava-labs/kava/x/validator-vesting"
// TestApp is a simple wrapper around an App. It exposes internal keepers for use in integration tests.
// This file also contains test helpers. Ideally they would be in separate package.
// Basic Usage:
// Create a test app with NewTestApp, then all keepers and their methods can be accessed for test setup and execution.
// Advanced Usage:
// Some tests call for an app to be initialized with some state. This can be achieved through keeper method calls (ie keeper.SetParams(...)).
// However this leads to a lot of duplicated logic similar to InitGenesis methods.
// So TestApp.InitializeFromGenesisStates() will call InitGenesis with the default genesis state.
// and TestApp.InitializeFromGenesisStates(authState, cdpState) will do the same but overwrite the auth and cdp sections of the default genesis state
// Creating the genesis states can be combersome, but helper methods can make it easier such as NewAuthGenStateFromAccounts below.
type TestApp struct {
func NewTestApp() TestApp {
config := sdk.GetConfig()
db := tmdb.NewMemDB()
app := NewApp(log.NewNopLogger(), db, nil, true, map[int64]bool{}, 0)
return TestApp{App: *app}
// nolint
func (tApp TestApp) GetAccountKeeper() auth.AccountKeeper { return tApp.accountKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetBankKeeper() bank.Keeper { return tApp.bankKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetSupplyKeeper() supply.Keeper { return tApp.supplyKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetStakingKeeper() staking.Keeper { return tApp.stakingKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetSlashingKeeper() slashing.Keeper { return tApp.slashingKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetMintKeeper() mint.Keeper { return tApp.mintKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetDistrKeeper() distribution.Keeper { return tApp.distrKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetGovKeeper() gov.Keeper { return tApp.govKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetCrisisKeeper() crisis.Keeper { return tApp.crisisKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetUpgradeKeeper() upgrade.Keeper { return tApp.upgradeKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetParamsKeeper() params.Keeper { return tApp.paramsKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetVVKeeper() validatorvesting.Keeper { return tApp.vvKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetAuctionKeeper() auction.Keeper { return tApp.auctionKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetCDPKeeper() cdp.Keeper { return tApp.cdpKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetPriceFeedKeeper() pricefeed.Keeper { return tApp.pricefeedKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetBep3Keeper() bep3.Keeper { return tApp.bep3Keeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetKavadistKeeper() kavadist.Keeper { return tApp.kavadistKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetIncentiveKeeper() incentive.Keeper { return tApp.incentiveKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetHarvestKeeper() harvest.Keeper { return tApp.harvestKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetCommitteeKeeper() committee.Keeper { return tApp.committeeKeeper }
func (tApp TestApp) GetIssuanceKeeper() issuance.Keeper { return tApp.issuanceKeeper }
// InitializeFromGenesisStates calls InitChain on the app using the default genesis state, overwitten with any passed in genesis states
func (tApp TestApp) InitializeFromGenesisStates(genesisStates ...GenesisState) TestApp {
// Create a default genesis state and overwrite with provided values
genesisState := NewDefaultGenesisState()
for _, state := range genesisStates {
for k, v := range state {
genesisState[k] = v
// Initialize the chain
stateBytes, err := codec.MarshalJSONIndent(tApp.cdc, genesisState)
if err != nil {
Validators: []abci.ValidatorUpdate{},
AppStateBytes: stateBytes,
tApp.BeginBlock(abci.RequestBeginBlock{Header: abci.Header{Height: tApp.LastBlockHeight() + 1}})
return tApp
// InitializeFromGenesisStatesWithTime calls InitChain on the app using the default genesis state, overwitten with any passed in genesis states and genesis Time
func (tApp TestApp) InitializeFromGenesisStatesWithTime(genTime time.Time, genesisStates ...GenesisState) TestApp {
// Create a default genesis state and overwrite with provided values
genesisState := NewDefaultGenesisState()
for _, state := range genesisStates {
for k, v := range state {
genesisState[k] = v
// Initialize the chain
stateBytes, err := codec.MarshalJSONIndent(tApp.cdc, genesisState)
if err != nil {
Time: genTime,
Validators: []abci.ValidatorUpdate{},
AppStateBytes: stateBytes,
tApp.BeginBlock(abci.RequestBeginBlock{Header: abci.Header{Height: tApp.LastBlockHeight() + 1, Time: genTime}})
return tApp
// InitializeFromGenesisStatesWithTimeAndChainID calls InitChain on the app using the default genesis state, overwitten with any passed in genesis states and genesis Time
func (tApp TestApp) InitializeFromGenesisStatesWithTimeAndChainID(genTime time.Time, chainID string, genesisStates ...GenesisState) TestApp {
// Create a default genesis state and overwrite with provided values
genesisState := NewDefaultGenesisState()
for _, state := range genesisStates {
for k, v := range state {
genesisState[k] = v
// Initialize the chain
stateBytes, err := codec.MarshalJSONIndent(tApp.cdc, genesisState)
if err != nil {
Time: genTime,
Validators: []abci.ValidatorUpdate{},
AppStateBytes: stateBytes,
ChainId: chainID,
tApp.BeginBlock(abci.RequestBeginBlock{Header: abci.Header{Height: tApp.LastBlockHeight() + 1, Time: genTime}})
return tApp
func (tApp TestApp) CheckBalance(t *testing.T, ctx sdk.Context, owner sdk.AccAddress, expectedCoins sdk.Coins) {
acc := tApp.GetAccountKeeper().GetAccount(ctx, owner)
require.NotNilf(t, acc, "account with address '%s' doesn't exist", owner)
require.Equal(t, expectedCoins, acc.GetCoins())
// Create a new auth genesis state from some addresses and coins. The state is returned marshalled into a map.
func NewAuthGenState(addresses []sdk.AccAddress, coins []sdk.Coins) GenesisState {
// Create GenAccounts
accounts := authexported.GenesisAccounts{}
for i := range addresses {
accounts = append(accounts, auth.NewBaseAccount(addresses[i], coins[i], nil, 0, 0))
// Create the auth genesis state
authGenesis := auth.NewGenesisState(auth.DefaultParams(), accounts)
return GenesisState{auth.ModuleName: auth.ModuleCdc.MustMarshalJSON(authGenesis)}
// GeneratePrivKeyAddressPairsFromRand generates (deterministically) a total of n private keys and addresses.
// TODO only generate secp256 keys?
func GeneratePrivKeyAddressPairs(n int) (keys []crypto.PrivKey, addrs []sdk.AccAddress) {
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(12345)) // make the generation deterministic
keys = make([]crypto.PrivKey, n)
addrs = make([]sdk.AccAddress, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
secret := make([]byte, 32)
_, err := r.Read(secret)
if err != nil {
panic("Could not read randomness")
if r.Int63()%2 == 0 {
keys[i] = secp256k1.GenPrivKeySecp256k1(secret)
} else {
keys[i] = ed25519.GenPrivKeyFromSecret(secret)
addrs[i] = sdk.AccAddress(keys[i].PubKey().Address())