Nick DeLuca 774e2efce8
chore(lint): Update local make lint to match CI (#1991)
* chore(lint): Update local make lint to match CI

This updates the `make lint` behavior to match the command being
run in CI.

In addition, we refactor the make lint command to use docker in order to
to ease cross platform install, use a local build cache that integrates
with make clean, use the same version file, and encapsulate the logic in
its own make include.

We also remove the old lint logic as to not introduce a duplicate target
and avoid confusion from a difference in behavior.

While solutions like act for running github actions locally work, it is
not as straightfoward, is slower, and uses the local git repository
instead of a clone (though I am not sure how the checkout step works
within act).

* fix(lint): Use shared timeout with .golangci.yml

Instead of using a local and different timeout in the lint makefile
target we can rely on golangci to load this configuration from
.golangci.yml instead and share this setting with CI.

* fix(lint): Fix golangci-lint cache mount path

This uses the correct cache dir default of ~/.cache enabling use
of cache between lint calls.

* fix(lint): Fix lint caching

This includes a couple fixes - 1) It adds support for full caching of go
mod and go build, speeding up the lint process quite a bit.  And 2) does
not mix lint cache with make clean files -- the docker container creates
root owned files that cause make clean to error and we choose not to
require make clean to run with higher permissions.  The cache must be
deleted manually.
2024-08-05 10:13:17 -07:00

47 lines
564 B

# Binaries for programs and plugins
# Test binary, build with `go test -c`
# Output of the go coverage tool
# Exclude build files
# IDE files
# Ignore macOS file system metadata
# Ignore build outputs
# Ignore build cache dir
# Ignore make lint cache
# Ignore installed binaires
# Ignore build dirs
# Go workspace files