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synced 2025-03-13 13:15:16 +00:00

* Split bid_duration field into forward/reverse durations * Update params.go * Update params_test for forward/reverse bid durations * Remove duplicated import * Replace bid duration on place bids * Fix reversed bid errors * Update auctions test * Update bidding test * Update testutil suite to use default forward/reverse bid durations * Fix missing ReverseBidDuration param field * Check if auction is reversed on forward bid * Add test for conversion to reverse auction that reaches maxbid * Make proto fields backwards compatible * Use ForwardBidDuration for debt bid * Make copy of v16 auction types this doesn't actually work but keeping it in history * Disable migrations * Update debt tests to use forward bid duration
126 lines
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126 lines
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package testutil
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
tmproto "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proto/tendermint/types"
tmtime "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types/time"
authkeeper "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/keeper"
authtypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/types"
bankkeeper "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/bank/keeper"
// Suite implements a test suite for the kavadist module integration tests
type Suite struct {
Keeper keeper.Keeper
BankKeeper bankkeeper.Keeper
AccountKeeper authkeeper.AccountKeeper
App app.TestApp
Ctx sdk.Context
Addrs []sdk.AccAddress
ModAcc *authtypes.ModuleAccount
// SetupTest instantiates a new app, keepers, and sets suite state
func (suite *Suite) SetupTest(numAddrs int) {
config := sdk.GetConfig()
tApp := app.NewTestApp()
_, addrs := app.GeneratePrivKeyAddressPairs(numAddrs)
// Fund liquidator module account
coins := sdk.NewCoins(
sdk.NewCoin("token1", sdk.NewInt(100)),
sdk.NewCoin("token2", sdk.NewInt(100)),
ctx := tApp.NewContext(true, tmproto.Header{Height: 1, Time: tmtime.Now()})
modName := "liquidator"
modBaseAcc := authtypes.NewBaseAccount(authtypes.NewModuleAddress(modName), nil, 0, 0)
modAcc := authtypes.NewModuleAccount(modBaseAcc, modName, []string{authtypes.Minter, authtypes.Burner}...)
suite.ModAcc = modAcc
authGS := app.NewFundedGenStateWithSameCoinsWithModuleAccount(tApp.AppCodec(), coins, addrs, modAcc)
params := types.NewParams(
auctionGs, err := types.NewGenesisState(types.DefaultNextAuctionID, params, []types.GenesisAuction{})
moduleGs := tApp.AppCodec().MustMarshalJSON(auctionGs)
gs := app.GenesisState{types.ModuleName: moduleGs}
tApp.InitializeFromGenesisStates(authGS, gs)
suite.App = tApp
suite.Ctx = ctx
suite.Addrs = addrs
suite.Keeper = tApp.GetAuctionKeeper()
suite.BankKeeper = tApp.GetBankKeeper()
suite.AccountKeeper = tApp.GetAccountKeeper()
// CreateAccount adds coins to an account address
func (suite *Suite) AddCoinsToAccount(addr sdk.AccAddress, coins sdk.Coins) {
ak := suite.App.GetAccountKeeper()
acc := ak.NewAccountWithAddress(suite.Ctx, addr)
ak.SetAccount(suite.Ctx, acc)
err := simapp.FundAccount(suite.BankKeeper, suite.Ctx, acc.GetAddress(), coins)
// AddCoinsToModule adds coins to a named module account
func (suite *Suite) AddCoinsToNamedModule(moduleName string, amount sdk.Coins) {
// Does not use suite.BankKeeper.MintCoins as module account would not have permission to mint
err := simapp.FundModuleAccount(suite.BankKeeper, suite.Ctx, moduleName, amount)
// NewModuleAccountFromAddr creates a new module account from the provided address with the provided balance
// func (suite *Suite) NewModuleAccount(moduleName string, balance sdk.Coins) authtypes.AccountI {
// ak := suite.App.GetAccountKeeper()
// modAccAddr := authtypes.NewModuleAddress(moduleName)
// acc := ak.NewAccountWithAddress(suite.Ctx, modAccAddr)
// ak.SetAccount(suite.Ctx, acc)
// err := simapp.FundModuleAccount(suite.BankKeeper, suite.Ctx, moduleName, balance)
// suite.Require().NoError(err)
// return acc
// }
// CheckAccountBalanceEqual asserts that
func (suite *Suite) CheckAccountBalanceEqual(owner sdk.AccAddress, expectedCoins sdk.Coins) {
balances := suite.BankKeeper.GetAllBalances(suite.Ctx, owner)
suite.Equal(expectedCoins, balances)
// // CheckModuleAccountBalanceEqual asserts that a named module account balance matches the provided coins
// func (suite *Suite) CheckModuleAccountBalanceEqual(moduleName string, coins sdk.Coins) {
// balance := suite.BankKeeper.GetAllBalances(
// suite.Ctx,
// suite.AccountKeeper.GetModuleAddress(moduleName),
// )
// suite.Equal(coins, balance, fmt.Sprintf("expected module account balance to equal coins %s, but got %s", coins, balance))
// }