Draco 43be3815cc
feat: disable inflation upgrade logic (#1706)
* feat: disable inflation upgrade logic

* improve disable inflation comments

* add upgrade tests

* update changelog

* split disable inflation upgrade and the upgrade check

* remove pay rewards logic

* clean up incentives test

* add abci test

* refactor upgradeTime and blockTime check

* fix abci test

* fix wrong pr in changelog

* refactor disable inflation tests, behavior, and implementation
  - Unit tests are now shared between keeper and abci begin blocker
    since behavior is 100% the same
  - ABCI is unaware of keeper initial keeper logic branch (keeper
    methods required to be called in certain order by begin blocker)
  - Behavior of zero time is changed -- this now doesn't run for the
    zero time.  This is more ideal for new chains (genesis should set
    all correct state instead of relying on inflation disable logic),
    and allows for a simpler implementation.
  - Begin blocker now panics if parameters are not in state

* remove previous tests and implementation

* remove previous block time keeper state -- not needed for inflation

* move inflation disabling to private method and add more comments

* remove unused key

* use correct spelling for idempotence


Co-authored-by: Nick DeLuca <nickdeluca08@gmail.com>
2023-10-02 13:10:22 -07:00

157 lines
5.4 KiB

package testutil
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
minttypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/mint/types"
tmproto "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proto/tendermint/types"
tmtime "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types/time"
kavadisttypes "github.com/kava-labs/kava/x/kavadist/types"
type testFunc func(sdk.Context, keeper.Keeper)
// Test suite used for all abci inflation tests
type disableInflationTestSuite struct {
App app.TestApp
Ctx sdk.Context
Keeper keeper.Keeper
genesisMintState *minttypes.GenesisState
genesisKavadistState *kavadisttypes.GenesisState
testFunc testFunc
func NewDisableInflationTestSuite(tf testFunc) *disableInflationTestSuite {
suite := &disableInflationTestSuite{}
suite.testFunc = tf
return suite
// The default state used by each test
func (suite *disableInflationTestSuite) SetupTest() {
tApp := app.NewTestApp()
suite.App = tApp
suite.Ctx = suite.App.NewContext(true, tmproto.Header{Height: 1, Time: tmtime.Now()})
suite.Keeper = suite.App.GetCommunityKeeper()
// Set up x/mint and x/kavadist gen state
mintGen := minttypes.DefaultGenesisState()
mintGen.Params.InflationMax = sdk.NewDecWithPrec(595, 3)
mintGen.Params.InflationMin = sdk.NewDecWithPrec(595, 3)
suite.genesisMintState = mintGen
kavadistGen := kavadisttypes.DefaultGenesisState()
kavadistGen.Params.Active = true
suite.genesisKavadistState = kavadistGen
appCodec := tApp.AppCodec()
app.GenesisState{minttypes.ModuleName: appCodec.MustMarshalJSON(mintGen)},
app.GenesisState{kavadisttypes.ModuleName: appCodec.MustMarshalJSON(kavadistGen)},
func (suite *disableInflationTestSuite) TestDisableInflation() {
validateState := func(upgraded bool, expectedDisableTime time.Time, msg string) {
params, found := suite.Keeper.GetParams(suite.Ctx)
mintParams := suite.App.GetMintKeeper().GetParams(suite.Ctx)
kavadistParams := suite.App.GetKavadistKeeper().GetParams(suite.Ctx)
disableTimeMsg := "expected inflation disable time to match"
expectedMintState := suite.genesisMintState
expectedKavadistState := suite.genesisKavadistState
msgSuffix := "before upgrade"
// The state expected after upgrade time is reached
if upgraded {
// Disable upgrade time is reset when run.
// This allows the time to be set and run again if required.
// In addition, with zero time not upgrading, achieves idempotence
// without extra logic or state.
expectedDisableTime = time.Time{}
disableTimeMsg = "expected inflation disable time to be reset"
expectedMintState.Params.InflationMin = sdk.ZeroDec()
expectedMintState.Params.InflationMax = sdk.ZeroDec()
expectedKavadistState.Params.Active = false
msgSuffix = "after upgrade"
suite.Require().Equal(expectedMintState.Params.InflationMin, mintParams.InflationMin, msg+": expected mint inflation min to match state "+msgSuffix)
suite.Require().Equal(expectedMintState.Params.InflationMax, mintParams.InflationMax, msg+": expected mint inflation max to match state "+msgSuffix)
suite.Require().Equal(expectedKavadistState.Params.Active, kavadistParams.Active, msg+":expected kavadist active flag match state "+msgSuffix)
suite.Require().Equal(expectedDisableTime, params.UpgradeTimeDisableInflation, msg+": "+disableTimeMsg)
blockTime := suite.Ctx.BlockTime()
testCases := []struct {
name string
upgradeTime time.Time
shouldUpgrade bool
{"zero upgrade time -- should not upgrade", time.Time{}, false},
{"upgrade time in future -- should not upgrade", blockTime.Add(1 * time.Second), false},
{"upgrade time in past -- should upgrade", blockTime.Add(-1 * time.Second), true},
{"upgrade time equal to block time -- should upgrade", blockTime, true},
for _, tc := range testCases {
suite.Run(tc.name, func() {
// ensure state is as we expect before running upgrade or updating time
validateState(false, time.Time{}, "initial state")
// set inflation disable time
params, found := suite.Keeper.GetParams(suite.Ctx)
params.UpgradeTimeDisableInflation = tc.upgradeTime
suite.Keeper.SetParams(suite.Ctx, params)
// run test function
suite.testFunc(suite.Ctx, suite.Keeper)
// run assertions to ensure upgrade did or did not run
validateState(tc.shouldUpgrade, tc.upgradeTime, "first begin blocker run")
// test idempotence only if upgrade should have been ran
if tc.shouldUpgrade {
// reset mint and kavadist state to their initial values
suite.App.GetMintKeeper().SetParams(suite.Ctx, suite.genesisMintState.Params)
suite.App.GetKavadistKeeper().SetParams(suite.Ctx, suite.genesisKavadistState.Params)
// run begin blocker again
community.BeginBlocker(suite.Ctx, suite.Keeper)
// ensure begin blocker is impodent and never runs twice
validateState(false, time.Time{}, "second begin blocker run")
func (suite *disableInflationTestSuite) TestPanicsOnMissingParameters() {
store := suite.Ctx.KVStore(suite.App.GetKVStoreKey(types.StoreKey))
suite.PanicsWithValue("invalid state: module parameters not found", func() {
suite.testFunc(suite.Ctx, suite.Keeper)