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synced 2025-03-12 20:56:59 +00:00

* update GetTotalSurplus and GetTotalDebt code blocks to be consistent and resolve feedback in exhibit 13 * spelling fix * remove uneeded temp variables * address PR feedback - use suite.Require() instead of default assertions
126 lines
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126 lines
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package keeper
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
const (
// factor for setting the initial value of gov tokens to sell at debt auctions -- assuming stable token is ~1 usd, this starts the auction with a price of $0.01 KAVA
dump = 100
// AuctionCollateral creates auctions from the input deposits which attempt to raise the corresponding amount of debt
func (k Keeper) AuctionCollateral(ctx sdk.Context, deposits types.Deposits, debt sdk.Int, bidDenom string) error {
auctionSize := k.getAuctionSize(ctx, deposits[0].Amount.Denom)
totalCollateral := deposits.SumCollateral()
for _, deposit := range deposits {
debtCoveredByDeposit := (sdk.NewDecFromInt(deposit.Amount.Amount).Quo(sdk.NewDecFromInt(totalCollateral))).Mul(sdk.NewDecFromInt(debt)).RoundInt()
err := k.CreateAuctionsFromDeposit(ctx, deposit.Amount, deposit.Depositor, debtCoveredByDeposit, auctionSize, bidDenom)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreateAuctionsFromDeposit creates auctions from the input deposit
func (k Keeper) CreateAuctionsFromDeposit(
ctx sdk.Context, collateral sdk.Coin, returnAddr sdk.AccAddress, debt, auctionSize sdk.Int,
principalDenom string) (err error) {
// the number of auctions to start with lot = auctionSize
wholeAuctions := collateral.Amount.Quo(auctionSize)
// remaining collateral (< lot) to auction
partialAuctionAmount := collateral.Amount.Mod(auctionSize)
auctionLots := []sdk.Int{}
for i := int64(0); i < wholeAuctions.Int64(); i++ {
auctionLots = append(auctionLots, auctionSize)
if partialAuctionAmount.IsPositive() {
auctionLots = append(auctionLots, partialAuctionAmount)
// use the auction lots as weights to split the debt into buckets,
// where each bucket represents how much debt that auction will attempt to cover
debtAmounts := splitIntIntoWeightedBuckets(debt, auctionLots)
debtDenom := k.GetDebtDenom(ctx)
for i, debtAmount := range debtAmounts {
penalty := k.ApplyLiquidationPenalty(ctx, collateral.Denom, debtAmount)
_, err := k.auctionKeeper.StartCollateralAuction(
ctx, types.LiquidatorMacc, sdk.NewCoin(collateral.Denom, auctionLots[i]),
sdk.NewCoin(principalDenom, debtAmount.Add(penalty)), []sdk.AccAddress{returnAddr},
[]sdk.Int{auctionLots[i]}, sdk.NewCoin(debtDenom, debtAmount),
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// NetSurplusAndDebt burns surplus and debt coins equal to the minimum of surplus and debt balances held by the liquidator module account
// for example, if there is 1000 debt and 100 surplus, 100 surplus and 100 debt are burned, netting to 900 debt
func (k Keeper) NetSurplusAndDebt(ctx sdk.Context) error {
totalSurplus := k.GetTotalSurplus(ctx, types.LiquidatorMacc)
debt := k.GetTotalDebt(ctx, types.LiquidatorMacc)
netAmount := sdk.MinInt(totalSurplus, debt)
if netAmount.IsZero() {
return nil
// burn debt coins equal to netAmount
err := k.supplyKeeper.BurnCoins(ctx, types.LiquidatorMacc, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(k.GetDebtDenom(ctx), netAmount)))
if err != nil {
return err
// burn stable coins equal to min(balance, netAmount)
dp := k.GetParams(ctx).DebtParam
balance := k.supplyKeeper.GetModuleAccount(ctx, types.LiquidatorMacc).GetCoins().AmountOf(dp.Denom)
burnAmount := sdk.MinInt(balance, netAmount)
return k.supplyKeeper.BurnCoins(ctx, types.LiquidatorMacc, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(dp.Denom, burnAmount)))
// GetTotalSurplus returns the total amount of surplus tokens held by the liquidator module account
func (k Keeper) GetTotalSurplus(ctx sdk.Context, accountName string) sdk.Int {
acc := k.supplyKeeper.GetModuleAccount(ctx, accountName)
dp := k.GetParams(ctx).DebtParam
return acc.GetCoins().AmountOf(dp.Denom)
// GetTotalDebt returns the total amount of debt tokens held by the liquidator module account
func (k Keeper) GetTotalDebt(ctx sdk.Context, accountName string) sdk.Int {
acc := k.supplyKeeper.GetModuleAccount(ctx, accountName)
return acc.GetCoins().AmountOf(k.GetDebtDenom(ctx))
// RunSurplusAndDebtAuctions nets the surplus and debt balances and then creates surplus or debt auctions if the remaining balance is above the auction threshold parameter
func (k Keeper) RunSurplusAndDebtAuctions(ctx sdk.Context) error {
if err := k.NetSurplusAndDebt(ctx); err != nil {
return err
remainingDebt := k.GetTotalDebt(ctx, types.LiquidatorMacc)
params := k.GetParams(ctx)
if remainingDebt.GTE(params.DebtAuctionThreshold) {
debtLot := sdk.NewCoin(k.GetDebtDenom(ctx), params.DebtAuctionLot)
bidCoin := sdk.NewCoin(params.DebtParam.Denom, debtLot.Amount)
_, err := k.auctionKeeper.StartDebtAuction(
ctx, types.LiquidatorMacc, bidCoin, sdk.NewCoin(k.GetGovDenom(ctx), debtLot.Amount.Mul(sdk.NewInt(dump))), debtLot)
if err != nil {
return err
surplus := k.supplyKeeper.GetModuleAccount(ctx, types.LiquidatorMacc).GetCoins().AmountOf(params.DebtParam.Denom)
if !surplus.GTE(params.SurplusAuctionThreshold) {
return nil
surplusLot := sdk.NewCoin(params.DebtParam.Denom, sdk.MinInt(params.SurplusAuctionLot, surplus))
_, err := k.auctionKeeper.StartSurplusAuction(ctx, types.LiquidatorMacc, surplusLot, k.GetGovDenom(ctx))
return err