#! /bin/bash # kill kava if it is already running pkill kvd && pkill kvcli # TODO import from development environment in envkey password="" validatorMnemonic="equip town gesture square tomorrow volume nephew minute witness beef rich gadget actress egg sing secret pole winter alarm law today check violin uncover" # address: kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c # address: kavavaloper1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufyz4scd0 faucet="chief access utility giant burger winner jar false naive mobile often perfect advice village love enroll embark bacon under flock harbor render father since" # address: kava1ls82zzghsx0exkpr52m8vht5jqs3un0ceysshz # address: kavavaloper1ls82zzghsx0exkpr52m8vht5jqs3un0c5j2c04 # variables for home directories for kvd and kvcli kvdHome=/tmp/kvdHome kvcliHome=/tmp/kvcliHome genesis=$kvdHome/config/genesis.json swaggerFile=swagger-ui/testnet-4000/swagger-testnet-4000.yaml # Remove any existing data directory rm -rf $kvdHome rm -rf $kvcliHome # make the directories mkdir /tmp/kvdHome mkdir /tmp/kvcliHome # create validator key printf "$validatorMnemonic\n" | kvcli keys add vlad --recover --home $kvcliHome --keyring-backend test # create faucet key printf "$faucet\n" | kvcli --home $kvcliHome keys add faucet --recover --home $kvcliHome --keyring-backend test # function used to show that it is still loading showLoading() { mypid=$! loadingText=$1 echo -ne "$loadingText\r" while kill -0 $mypid 2>/dev/null; do echo -ne "$loadingText.\r" sleep 0.5 echo -ne "$loadingText..\r" sleep 0.5 echo -ne "$loadingText...\r" sleep 0.5 echo -ne "\r\033[K" echo -ne "$loadingText\r" sleep 0.5 done echo "$loadingText...finished" } # Create new data directory { kvd --home $kvdHome init --chain-id=testing vlad # doesn't need to be the same as the validator } > /dev/null 2>&1 kvcli --home $kvcliHome config chain-id testing # or set trust-node true # add validator account to genesis kvd --home $kvdHome add-genesis-account $(kvcli keys show vlad -a --keyring-backend test --home $kvcliHome) 10000000000000stake,1000000000000xrp,100000000000btc # add faucet account to genesis kvd --home $kvdHome add-genesis-account $(kvcli keys show faucet -a --keyring-backend test --home $kvcliHome) 10000000000000stake,1000000000000xrp,100000000000btc # Create a delegation tx for the validator and add to genesis kvd --home $kvdHome gentx --name vlad --home-client $kvcliHome --keyring-backend test { kvd --home $kvdHome collect-gentxs } > /dev/null 2>&1 # set blocktime to ~1s jq '.app_state.mint.params.blocks_per_year = "31540000"' $genesis > $genesis.tmp && mv $genesis.tmp $genesis # update pricefeed information jq '.app_state.pricefeed.params.markets += [{"active": true, "base_asset": "xrp", "market_id": "xrp:usd", "oracles": ["kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c"], "quote_asset": "usd"}, {"active": true, "base_asset": "btc", "market_id": "btc:usd", "oracles": ["kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c"], "quote_asset": "usd"}]' $genesis > $genesis.tmp && mv $genesis.tmp $genesis jq '.app_state.pricefeed.posted_prices += [{"expiry": "2050-01-01T00:00:00Z", "market_id": "btc:usd", "oracle_address": "kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c", "price": "8700.0"}, {"expiry": "2050-01-01T00:00:00Z", "market_id": "xrp:usd", "oracle_address": "kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c", "price": "0.25"}]' $genesis > $genesis.tmp && mv $genesis.tmp $genesis # now update cdp params jq '.app_state.cdp.params = { "circuit_breaker": false, "collateral_params": [ { "auction_size": "10000000000", "conversion_factor": "8", "debt_limit": { "amount": "1000000000000", "denom": "usdx" }, "denom": "btc", "liquidation_penalty": "0.05", "liquidation_ratio": "1.5", "market_id": "btc:usd", "prefix": 0, "stability_fee": "1.0000000007829977" }, { "auction_size": "100000000", "conversion_factor": "6", "debt_limit": { "amount": "1000000000000", "denom": "usdx" }, "denom": "xrp", "liquidation_penalty": "0.1", "liquidation_ratio": "2.0", "market_id": "xrp:usd", "prefix": 1, "stability_fee": "1.0000000007829977"} ], "debt_auction_threshold": "10000000000", "debt_param": { "conversion_factor": "6", "debt_floor": "10000000", "denom": "usdx", "reference_asset": "usd", "savings_rate": "0.95" }, "global_debt_limit": { "amount": "2000000000000", "denom": "usdx" }, "surplus_auction_threshold": "10000000000", "savings_distribution_frequency": "43200000000000" }' $genesis > $genesis.tmp && mv $genesis.tmp $genesis # start the blockchain in the background, wait until it starts making blocks { kvd start --home $kvdHome & kvdPid="$!" } > /dev/null 2>&1 printf "\n" sleep 10 & showLoading "Starting rest server, please wait" # start the rest server. Use ./stopchain.sh to stop both rest server and the blockchain { kvcli rest-server --laddr tcp:// --chain-id=testing --home $kvcliHome & kvcliPid="$!" } > /dev/null 2>&1 printf "\n" sleep 10 & showLoading "Preparing blockchain setup transactions, please wait" printf "\n" # build the go setup test file rm -f rest_test/setuptest go build rest_test/setup/setuptest.go & showLoading "Building go test file, please wait" # run the go code to send transactions to the chain and set it up correctly ./setuptest printf "\n" printf "Blockchain setup completed" printf "\n\n" ############################ # Now run the dredd tests ############################ dredd $swaggerFile localhost:1317 2>&1 | tee output & showLoading "Running dredd tests" ######################################################## # Now run the check the return code from the dredd command. # If 0 then all test passed OK, otherwise some failed and propagate the error ######################################################## # check that the error code was zero if [ $? -eq 0 ] then # check that all the tests passed (ie zero failing) if [[ $(cat output | grep "0 failing") ]] then # check for no errors if [[ $(cat output | grep "0 errors") ]] then echo "Success" rm setuptest & showLoading "Cleaning up go binary" # kill the kvd and kvcli processes (blockchain and rest api) pgrep kvd | xargs kill pgrep kvcli | xargs kill & showLoading "Stopping blockchain" rm -f output exit 0 fi fi fi # otherwise return an error code and redirect stderr to stdout so user sees the error output echo "Failure" >&2 rm setuptest & showLoading "Cleaning up go binary" # kill the kvd and kvcli processes (blockchain and rest api) pgrep kvd | xargs kill pgrep kvcli | xargs kill & showLoading "Stopping blockchain" rm -f output exit 1