syntax = "proto3";


import "google/protobuf/any.proto";

// Config represents the configuration for a Cosmos SDK ABCI app.
// It is intended that all state machine logic including the version of
// baseapp and tx handlers (and possibly even Tendermint) that an app needs
// can be described in a config object. For compatibility, the framework should
// allow a mixture of declarative and imperative app wiring, however, apps
// that strive for the maximum ease of maintainability should be able to describe
// their state machine with a config object alone.
message Config {
  // modules are the module configurations for the app.
  repeated ModuleConfig modules = 1;

  // golang_bindings specifies explicit interface to implementation type bindings which
  // depinject uses to resolve interface inputs to provider functions.  The scope of this
  // field's configuration is global (not module specific).
  repeated GolangBinding golang_bindings = 2;

// ModuleConfig is a module configuration for an app.
message ModuleConfig {
  // name is the unique name of the module within the app. It should be a name
  // that persists between different versions of a module so that modules
  // can be smoothly upgraded to new versions.
  // For example, for the module, we may chose
  // to simply name the module "bank" in the app. When we upgrade to
  //, the app-specific name "bank" stays the same
  // and the framework knows that the v2 module should receive all the same state
  // that the v1 module had. Note: modules should provide info on which versions
  // they can migrate from in the ModuleDescriptor.can_migration_from field.
  string name = 1;

  // config is the config object for the module. Module config messages should
  // define a ModuleDescriptor using the extension.
  google.protobuf.Any config = 2;

  // golang_bindings specifies explicit interface to implementation type bindings which
  // depinject uses to resolve interface inputs to provider functions.  The scope of this
  // field's configuration is module specific.
  repeated GolangBinding golang_bindings = 3;

// GolangBinding is an explicit interface type to implementing type binding for dependency injection.
message GolangBinding {
  // interface_type is the interface type which will be bound to a specific implementation type
  string interface_type = 1;

  // implementation is the implementing type which will be supplied when an input of type interface is requested
  string implementation = 2;