syntax = "proto3"; package cosmos.tx.v1beta1; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; import "cosmos/base/abci/v1beta1/abci.proto"; import "cosmos/tx/v1beta1/tx.proto"; import "cosmos/base/query/v1beta1/pagination.proto"; import "tendermint/types/block.proto"; import "tendermint/types/types.proto"; option go_package = ""; // Service defines a gRPC service for interacting with transactions. service Service { // Simulate simulates executing a transaction for estimating gas usage. rpc Simulate(SimulateRequest) returns (SimulateResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/simulate" body: "*" }; } // GetTx fetches a tx by hash. rpc GetTx(GetTxRequest) returns (GetTxResponse) { option (google.api.http).get = "/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs/{hash}"; } // BroadcastTx broadcast transaction. rpc BroadcastTx(BroadcastTxRequest) returns (BroadcastTxResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs" body: "*" }; } // GetTxsEvent fetches txs by event. rpc GetTxsEvent(GetTxsEventRequest) returns (GetTxsEventResponse) { option (google.api.http).get = "/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs"; } // GetBlockWithTxs fetches a block with decoded txs. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.45.2 rpc GetBlockWithTxs(GetBlockWithTxsRequest) returns (GetBlockWithTxsResponse) { option (google.api.http).get = "/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs/block/{height}"; } // TxDecode decodes the transaction. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47 rpc TxDecode(TxDecodeRequest) returns (TxDecodeResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/decode" body: "*" }; } // TxEncode encodes the transaction. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47 rpc TxEncode(TxEncodeRequest) returns (TxEncodeResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/encode" body: "*" }; } // TxEncodeAmino encodes an Amino transaction from JSON to encoded bytes. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47 rpc TxEncodeAmino(TxEncodeAminoRequest) returns (TxEncodeAminoResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/encode/amino" body: "*" }; } // TxDecodeAmino decodes an Amino transaction from encoded bytes to JSON. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47 rpc TxDecodeAmino(TxDecodeAminoRequest) returns (TxDecodeAminoResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/decode/amino" body: "*" }; } } // GetTxsEventRequest is the request type for the Service.TxsByEvents // RPC method. message GetTxsEventRequest { // events is the list of transaction event type. repeated string events = 1; // pagination defines a pagination for the request. // Deprecated post v0.46.x: use page and limit instead. cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageRequest pagination = 2 [deprecated = true]; OrderBy order_by = 3; // page is the page number to query, starts at 1. If not provided, will default to first page. uint64 page = 4; // limit is the total number of results to be returned in the result page. // If left empty it will default to a value to be set by each app. uint64 limit = 5; } // OrderBy defines the sorting order enum OrderBy { // ORDER_BY_UNSPECIFIED specifies an unknown sorting order. OrderBy defaults to ASC in this case. ORDER_BY_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // ORDER_BY_ASC defines ascending order ORDER_BY_ASC = 1; // ORDER_BY_DESC defines descending order ORDER_BY_DESC = 2; } // GetTxsEventResponse is the response type for the Service.TxsByEvents // RPC method. message GetTxsEventResponse { // txs is the list of queried transactions. repeated cosmos.tx.v1beta1.Tx txs = 1; // tx_responses is the list of queried TxResponses. repeated cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.TxResponse tx_responses = 2; // pagination defines a pagination for the response. // Deprecated post v0.46.x: use total instead. cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageResponse pagination = 3 [deprecated = true]; // total is total number of results available uint64 total = 4; } // BroadcastTxRequest is the request type for the Service.BroadcastTxRequest // RPC method. message BroadcastTxRequest { // tx_bytes is the raw transaction. bytes tx_bytes = 1; BroadcastMode mode = 2; } // BroadcastMode specifies the broadcast mode for the TxService.Broadcast RPC method. enum BroadcastMode { // zero-value for mode ordering BROADCAST_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // DEPRECATED: use BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC instead, // BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK is not supported by the SDK from v0.47.x onwards. BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK = 1 [deprecated = true]; // BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC defines a tx broadcasting mode where the client waits for // a CheckTx execution response only. BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC = 2; // BROADCAST_MODE_ASYNC defines a tx broadcasting mode where the client returns // immediately. BROADCAST_MODE_ASYNC = 3; } // BroadcastTxResponse is the response type for the // Service.BroadcastTx method. message BroadcastTxResponse { // tx_response is the queried TxResponses. cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.TxResponse tx_response = 1; } // SimulateRequest is the request type for the Service.Simulate // RPC method. message SimulateRequest { // tx is the transaction to simulate. // Deprecated. Send raw tx bytes instead. cosmos.tx.v1beta1.Tx tx = 1 [deprecated = true]; // tx_bytes is the raw transaction. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.43 bytes tx_bytes = 2; } // SimulateResponse is the response type for the // Service.SimulateRPC method. message SimulateResponse { // gas_info is the information about gas used in the simulation. cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.GasInfo gas_info = 1; // result is the result of the simulation. cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.Result result = 2; } // GetTxRequest is the request type for the Service.GetTx // RPC method. message GetTxRequest { // hash is the tx hash to query, encoded as a hex string. string hash = 1; } // GetTxResponse is the response type for the Service.GetTx method. message GetTxResponse { // tx is the queried transaction. cosmos.tx.v1beta1.Tx tx = 1; // tx_response is the queried TxResponses. cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.TxResponse tx_response = 2; } // GetBlockWithTxsRequest is the request type for the Service.GetBlockWithTxs // RPC method. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.45.2 message GetBlockWithTxsRequest { // height is the height of the block to query. int64 height = 1; // pagination defines a pagination for the request. cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageRequest pagination = 2; } // GetBlockWithTxsResponse is the response type for the Service.GetBlockWithTxs method. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.45.2 message GetBlockWithTxsResponse { // txs are the transactions in the block. repeated cosmos.tx.v1beta1.Tx txs = 1; .tendermint.types.BlockID block_id = 2; .tendermint.types.Block block = 3; // pagination defines a pagination for the response. cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageResponse pagination = 4; } // TxDecodeRequest is the request type for the Service.TxDecode // RPC method. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47 message TxDecodeRequest { // tx_bytes is the raw transaction. bytes tx_bytes = 1; } // TxDecodeResponse is the response type for the // Service.TxDecode method. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47 message TxDecodeResponse { // tx is the decoded transaction. cosmos.tx.v1beta1.Tx tx = 1; } // TxEncodeRequest is the request type for the Service.TxEncode // RPC method. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47 message TxEncodeRequest { // tx is the transaction to encode. cosmos.tx.v1beta1.Tx tx = 1; } // TxEncodeResponse is the response type for the // Service.TxEncode method. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47 message TxEncodeResponse { // tx_bytes is the encoded transaction bytes. bytes tx_bytes = 1; } // TxEncodeAminoRequest is the request type for the Service.TxEncodeAmino // RPC method. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47 message TxEncodeAminoRequest { string amino_json = 1; } // TxEncodeAminoResponse is the response type for the Service.TxEncodeAmino // RPC method. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47 message TxEncodeAminoResponse { bytes amino_binary = 1; } // TxDecodeAminoRequest is the request type for the Service.TxDecodeAmino // RPC method. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47 message TxDecodeAminoRequest { bytes amino_binary = 1; } // TxDecodeAminoResponse is the response type for the Service.TxDecodeAmino // RPC method. // // Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47 message TxDecodeAminoResponse { string amino_json = 1; }