syntax = "proto3"; package kava.kavamint.v1beta1; import "cosmos_proto/cosmos.proto"; import "gogoproto/gogo.proto"; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; import "kava/kavamint/v1beta1/kavamint.proto"; option go_package = ""; // Query defines the gRPC querier service for kavamint. service Query { // Params queries the parameters of x/kavamint module. rpc Params(QueryParamsRequest) returns (QueryParamsResponse) { option (google.api.http).get = "/kava/kavamint/v1beta1/params"; } // Inflation queries x/kavamint for the overall cumulative inflation rate of KAVA. rpc Inflation(QueryInflationRequest) returns (QueryInflationResponse) { option (google.api.http).get = "/kava/kavamint/v1beta1/inflation"; } } // QueryParamsRequest defines the request type for querying x/kavamint parameters. message QueryParamsRequest {} // QueryParamsResponse defines the response type for querying x/kavamint parameters. message QueryParamsResponse { Params params = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false]; } // QueryInflationRequest is the request type for the Query/Inflation RPC method. message QueryInflationRequest {} // QueryInflationResponse is the response type for the Query/Inflation RPC method. message QueryInflationResponse { // inflation is the current minting inflation value. // example "0.990000000000000000" - 99% inflation string inflation = 1 [ (cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.Dec", (gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false ]; }