package keeper import ( "bytes" "fmt" "sort" "" sdk "" "" "" ) // Keeper cdp Keeper type Keeper struct { key sdk.StoreKey cdc *codec.Codec paramSubspace subspace.Subspace pricefeedKeeper types.PricefeedKeeper bankKeeper types.BankKeeper } // NewKeeper creates a new keeper func NewKeeper(cdc *codec.Codec, key sdk.StoreKey, paramstore subspace.Subspace, pfk types.PricefeedKeeper, bk types.BankKeeper) Keeper { return Keeper{ key: key, cdc: cdc, paramSubspace: paramstore.WithKeyTable(types.ParamKeyTable()), pricefeedKeeper: pfk, bankKeeper: bk, } } // ModifyCDP creates, changes, or deletes a CDP // TODO can/should this function be split up? func (k Keeper) ModifyCDP(ctx sdk.Context, owner sdk.AccAddress, collateralDenom string, changeInCollateral sdk.Int, changeInDebt sdk.Int) sdk.Error { // Phase 1: Get state, make changes in memory and check if they're ok. // Check collateral type ok p := k.GetParams(ctx) if !p.IsCollateralPresent(collateralDenom) { // maybe abstract this logic into GetCDP return sdk.ErrInternal("collateral type not enabled to create CDPs") } // Check the owner has enough collateral and stable coins if changeInCollateral.IsPositive() { // adding collateral to CDP ok := k.bankKeeper.HasCoins(ctx, owner, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(collateralDenom, changeInCollateral))) if !ok { return sdk.ErrInsufficientCoins("not enough collateral in sender's account") } } if changeInDebt.IsNegative() { // reducing debt, by adding stable coin to CDP ok := k.bankKeeper.HasCoins(ctx, owner, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin("usdx", changeInDebt.Neg()))) if !ok { return sdk.ErrInsufficientCoins("not enough stable coin in sender's account") } } // Change collateral and debt recorded in CDP // Get CDP (or create if not exists) cdp, found := k.GetCDP(ctx, owner, collateralDenom) if !found { cdp = types.CDP{Owner: owner, CollateralDenom: collateralDenom, CollateralAmount: sdk.ZeroInt(), Debt: sdk.ZeroInt()} } // Add/Subtract collateral and debt cdp.CollateralAmount = cdp.CollateralAmount.Add(changeInCollateral) if cdp.CollateralAmount.IsNegative() { return sdk.ErrInternal(" can't withdraw more collateral than exists in CDP") } cdp.Debt = cdp.Debt.Add(changeInDebt) if cdp.Debt.IsNegative() { return sdk.ErrInternal("can't pay back more debt than exists in CDP") } isUnderCollateralized := cdp.IsUnderCollateralized( k.pricefeedKeeper.GetCurrentPrice(ctx, cdp.CollateralDenom).Price, p.GetCollateralParams(cdp.CollateralDenom).LiquidationRatio, ) if isUnderCollateralized { return sdk.ErrInternal("Change to CDP would put it below liquidation ratio") } // TODO check for dust // Add/Subtract from global debt limit gDebt := k.GetGlobalDebt(ctx) gDebt = gDebt.Add(changeInDebt) if gDebt.IsNegative() { return sdk.ErrInternal("global debt can't be negative") // This should never happen if debt per CDP can't be negative } if gDebt.GT(p.GlobalDebtLimit) { return sdk.ErrInternal("change to CDP would put the system over the global debt limit") } // Add/Subtract from collateral debt limit collateralState, found := k.GetCollateralState(ctx, cdp.CollateralDenom) if !found { collateralState = types.CollateralState{Denom: cdp.CollateralDenom, TotalDebt: sdk.ZeroInt()} // Already checked that this denom is authorized, so ok to create new CollateralState } collateralState.TotalDebt = collateralState.TotalDebt.Add(changeInDebt) if collateralState.TotalDebt.IsNegative() { return sdk.ErrInternal("total debt for this collateral type can't be negative") // This should never happen if debt per CDP can't be negative } if collateralState.TotalDebt.GT(p.GetCollateralParams(cdp.CollateralDenom).DebtLimit) { return sdk.ErrInternal("change to CDP would put the system over the debt limit for this collateral type") } // Phase 2: Update all the state // change owner's coins (increase or decrease) var err sdk.Error if changeInCollateral.IsNegative() { _, err = k.bankKeeper.AddCoins(ctx, owner, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(collateralDenom, changeInCollateral.Neg()))) } else { _, err = k.bankKeeper.SubtractCoins(ctx, owner, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(collateralDenom, changeInCollateral))) } if err != nil { panic(err) // this shouldn't happen because coin balance was checked earlier } if changeInDebt.IsNegative() { _, err = k.bankKeeper.SubtractCoins(ctx, owner, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin("usdx", changeInDebt.Neg()))) } else { _, err = k.bankKeeper.AddCoins(ctx, owner, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin("usdx", changeInDebt))) } if err != nil { panic(err) // this shouldn't happen because coin balance was checked earlier } // Set CDP if cdp.CollateralAmount.IsZero() && cdp.Debt.IsZero() { // TODO maybe abstract this logic into SetCDP k.DeleteCDP(ctx, cdp) } else { k.SetCDP(ctx, cdp) } // set total debts k.SetGlobalDebt(ctx, gDebt) k.SetCollateralState(ctx, collateralState) return nil } // TODO // // TransferCDP allows people to transfer ownership of their CDPs to others // func (k Keeper) TransferCDP(ctx sdk.Context, from sdk.AccAddress, to sdk.AccAddress, collateralDenom string) sdk.Error { // return nil // } // PartialSeizeCDP removes collateral and debt from a CDP and decrements global debt counters. It does not move collateral to another account so is unsafe. // TODO should this be made safer by moving collateral to liquidatorModuleAccount ? If so how should debt be moved? func (k Keeper) PartialSeizeCDP(ctx sdk.Context, owner sdk.AccAddress, collateralDenom string, collateralToSeize sdk.Int, debtToSeize sdk.Int) sdk.Error { // get CDP cdp, found := k.GetCDP(ctx, owner, collateralDenom) if !found { return sdk.ErrInternal("could not find CDP") } // Check if CDP is undercollateralized p := k.GetParams(ctx) isUnderCollateralized := cdp.IsUnderCollateralized( k.pricefeedKeeper.GetCurrentPrice(ctx, cdp.CollateralDenom).Price, p.GetCollateralParams(cdp.CollateralDenom).LiquidationRatio, ) if !isUnderCollateralized { return sdk.ErrInternal("CDP is not currently under the liquidation ratio") } // Remove Collateral if collateralToSeize.IsNegative() { return sdk.ErrInternal("cannot seize negative collateral") } cdp.CollateralAmount = cdp.CollateralAmount.Sub(collateralToSeize) if cdp.CollateralAmount.IsNegative() { return sdk.ErrInternal("can't seize more collateral than exists in CDP") } // Remove Debt if debtToSeize.IsNegative() { return sdk.ErrInternal("cannot seize negative debt") } cdp.Debt = cdp.Debt.Sub(debtToSeize) if cdp.Debt.IsNegative() { return sdk.ErrInternal("can't seize more debt than exists in CDP") } // Update debt per collateral type collateralState, found := k.GetCollateralState(ctx, cdp.CollateralDenom) if !found { return sdk.ErrInternal("could not find collateral state") } collateralState.TotalDebt = collateralState.TotalDebt.Sub(debtToSeize) if collateralState.TotalDebt.IsNegative() { return sdk.ErrInternal("Total debt per collateral type is negative.") // This should not happen given the checks on the CDP. } // Note: Global debt is not decremented here. It's only decremented when debt and stable coin are annihilated (aka heal) // TODO update global seized debt? this is what maker does (named vice in Vat.grab) but it's not used anywhere // Store updated state if cdp.CollateralAmount.IsZero() && cdp.Debt.IsZero() { // TODO maybe abstract this logic into SetCDP k.DeleteCDP(ctx, cdp) } else { k.SetCDP(ctx, cdp) } k.SetCollateralState(ctx, collateralState) return nil } // ReduceGlobalDebt decreases the stored global debt counter. It is used by the liquidator when it annihilates debt and stable coin. // TODO Can the interface between cdp and liquidator modules be improved so that this function doesn't exist? func (k Keeper) ReduceGlobalDebt(ctx sdk.Context, amount sdk.Int) sdk.Error { if amount.IsNegative() { return sdk.ErrInternal("reduction in global debt must be a positive amount") } newGDebt := k.GetGlobalDebt(ctx).Sub(amount) if newGDebt.IsNegative() { return sdk.ErrInternal("cannot reduce global debt by amount specified") } k.SetGlobalDebt(ctx, newGDebt) return nil } func (k Keeper) GetStableDenom() string { return "usdx" } func (k Keeper) GetGovDenom() string { return "kava" } // ---------- Store Wrappers ---------- func (k Keeper) getCDPKeyPrefix(collateralDenom string) []byte { return bytes.Join( [][]byte{ []byte("cdp"), []byte(collateralDenom), }, nil, // no separator ) } func (k Keeper) getCDPKey(owner sdk.AccAddress, collateralDenom string) []byte { return bytes.Join( [][]byte{ k.getCDPKeyPrefix(collateralDenom), []byte(owner.String()), }, nil, // no separator ) } func (k Keeper) GetCDP(ctx sdk.Context, owner sdk.AccAddress, collateralDenom string) (types.CDP, bool) { // get store store := ctx.KVStore(k.key) // get CDP bz := store.Get(k.getCDPKey(owner, collateralDenom)) // unmarshal if bz == nil { return types.CDP{}, false } var cdp types.CDP k.cdc.MustUnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(bz, &cdp) return cdp, true } func (k Keeper) SetCDP(ctx sdk.Context, cdp types.CDP) { // get store store := ctx.KVStore(k.key) // marshal and set bz := k.cdc.MustMarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(cdp) store.Set(k.getCDPKey(cdp.Owner, cdp.CollateralDenom), bz) } func (k Keeper) DeleteCDP(ctx sdk.Context, cdp types.CDP) { // TODO should this id the cdp by passing in owner,collateralDenom pair? // get store store := ctx.KVStore(k.key) // delete key store.Delete(k.getCDPKey(cdp.Owner, cdp.CollateralDenom)) } // GetCDPs returns all CDPs, optionally filtered by collateral type and liquidation price. // `price` filters for CDPs that will be below the liquidation ratio when the collateral is at that specified price. func (k Keeper) GetCDPs(ctx sdk.Context, collateralDenom string, price sdk.Dec) (types.CDPs, sdk.Error) { // Validate inputs params := k.GetParams(ctx) if len(collateralDenom) != 0 && !params.IsCollateralPresent(collateralDenom) { return nil, sdk.ErrInternal("collateral denom not authorized") } if len(collateralDenom) == 0 && !(price.IsNil() || price.IsNegative()) { return nil, sdk.ErrInternal("cannot specify price without collateral denom") } // Get an iterator over CDPs store := ctx.KVStore(k.key) iter := sdk.KVStorePrefixIterator(store, k.getCDPKeyPrefix(collateralDenom)) // could be all CDPs is collateralDenom is "" // Decode CDPs into slice var cdps types.CDPs for ; iter.Valid(); iter.Next() { var cdp types.CDP k.cdc.MustUnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(iter.Value(), &cdp) cdps = append(cdps, cdp) } // Sort by collateral ratio (collateral/debt) sort.Sort(types.ByCollateralRatio(cdps)) // TODO this doesn't make much sense across different collateral types // Filter for CDPs that would be under-collateralized at the specified price // If price is nil or -ve, skip the filtering as it would return all CDPs anyway if !price.IsNil() && !price.IsNegative() { var filteredCDPs types.CDPs for _, cdp := range cdps { if cdp.IsUnderCollateralized(price, params.GetCollateralParams(collateralDenom).LiquidationRatio) { filteredCDPs = append(filteredCDPs, cdp) } else { break // break early because list is sorted } } cdps = filteredCDPs } return cdps, nil } var globalDebtKey = []byte("globalDebt") func (k Keeper) GetGlobalDebt(ctx sdk.Context) sdk.Int { // get store store := ctx.KVStore(k.key) // get bytes bz := store.Get(globalDebtKey) // unmarshal if bz == nil { panic("global debt not found") } var globalDebt sdk.Int k.cdc.MustUnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(bz, &globalDebt) return globalDebt } func (k Keeper) SetGlobalDebt(ctx sdk.Context, globalDebt sdk.Int) { // get store store := ctx.KVStore(k.key) // marshal and set bz := k.cdc.MustMarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(globalDebt) store.Set(globalDebtKey, bz) } func (k Keeper) getCollateralStateKey(collateralDenom string) []byte { return []byte(collateralDenom) } func (k Keeper) GetCollateralState(ctx sdk.Context, collateralDenom string) (types.CollateralState, bool) { // get store store := ctx.KVStore(k.key) // get bytes bz := store.Get(k.getCollateralStateKey(collateralDenom)) // unmarshal if bz == nil { return types.CollateralState{}, false } var collateralState types.CollateralState k.cdc.MustUnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(bz, &collateralState) return collateralState, true } func (k Keeper) SetCollateralState(ctx sdk.Context, collateralstate types.CollateralState) { // get store store := ctx.KVStore(k.key) // marshal and set bz := k.cdc.MustMarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(collateralstate) store.Set(k.getCollateralStateKey(collateralstate.Denom), bz) } // ---------- Weird Bank Stuff ---------- // This only exists because module accounts aren't really a thing yet. // Also because we need module accounts that allow for burning/minting. // These functions make the CDP module act as a bank keeper, ie it fulfills the bank.Keeper interface. // It intercepts calls to send coins to/from the liquidator module account, otherwise passing the calls onto the normal bank keeper. // Not sure if module accounts are good, but they make the auction module more general: // - startAuction would just "mints" coins, relying on calling function to decrement them somewhere // - closeAuction would have to call something specific for the receiver module to accept coins (like liquidationKeeper.AddStableCoins) // The auction and liquidator modules can probably just use SendCoins to keep things safe (instead of AddCoins and SubtractCoins). // So they should define their own interfaces which this module should fulfill, rather than this fulfilling the entire bank.Keeper interface. // bank.Keeper interfaces: // type SendKeeper interface { // type ViewKeeper interface { // GetCoins(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress) sdk.Coins // HasCoins(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, amt sdk.Coins) bool // Codespace() sdk.CodespaceType // } // SendCoins(ctx sdk.Context, fromAddr sdk.AccAddress, toAddr sdk.AccAddress, amt sdk.Coins) (sdk.Tags, sdk.Error) // GetSendEnabled(ctx sdk.Context) bool // SetSendEnabled(ctx sdk.Context, enabled bool) // } // type Keeper interface { // SendKeeper // SetCoins(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, amt sdk.Coins) sdk.Error // SubtractCoins(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, amt sdk.Coins) (sdk.Coins, sdk.Tags, sdk.Error) // AddCoins(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, amt sdk.Coins) (sdk.Coins, sdk.Tags, sdk.Error) // InputOutputCoins(ctx sdk.Context, inputs []Input, outputs []Output) (sdk.Tags, sdk.Error) // DelegateCoins(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, amt sdk.Coins) (sdk.Tags, sdk.Error) // UndelegateCoins(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, amt sdk.Coins) (sdk.Tags, sdk.Error) var LiquidatorAccountAddress = sdk.AccAddress([]byte("whatever")) var liquidatorAccountKey = []byte("liquidatorAccount") func (k Keeper) GetLiquidatorAccountAddress() sdk.AccAddress { return LiquidatorAccountAddress } type LiquidatorModuleAccount struct { Coins sdk.Coins // keeps track of seized collateral, surplus usdx, and mints/burns gov coins } func (k Keeper) AddCoins(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.AccAddress, amount sdk.Coins) (sdk.Coins, sdk.Error) { // intercept module account if address.Equals(LiquidatorAccountAddress) { if !amount.IsValid() { return nil, sdk.ErrInvalidCoins(amount.String()) } // remove gov token from list filteredCoins := stripGovCoin(amount) // add coins to module account lma := k.getLiquidatorModuleAccount(ctx) updatedCoins := lma.Coins.Add(filteredCoins) if updatedCoins.IsAnyNegative() { return amount, sdk.ErrInsufficientCoins(fmt.Sprintf("insufficient account funds; %s < %s", lma.Coins, amount)) } lma.Coins = updatedCoins k.SetLiquidatorModuleAccount(ctx, lma) return updatedCoins, nil } else { return k.bankKeeper.AddCoins(ctx, address, amount) } } // TODO abstract stuff better func (k Keeper) SubtractCoins(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.AccAddress, amount sdk.Coins) (sdk.Coins, sdk.Error) { // intercept module account if address.Equals(LiquidatorAccountAddress) { if !amount.IsValid() { return nil, sdk.ErrInvalidCoins(amount.String()) } // remove gov token from list filteredCoins := stripGovCoin(amount) // subtract coins from module account lma := k.getLiquidatorModuleAccount(ctx) updatedCoins, isNegative := lma.Coins.SafeSub(filteredCoins) if isNegative { return amount, sdk.ErrInsufficientCoins(fmt.Sprintf("insufficient account funds; %s < %s", lma.Coins, amount)) } lma.Coins = updatedCoins k.SetLiquidatorModuleAccount(ctx, lma) return updatedCoins, nil } else { return k.bankKeeper.SubtractCoins(ctx, address, amount) } } // TODO Should this return anything for the gov coin balance? Currently returns nothing. func (k Keeper) GetCoins(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.AccAddress) sdk.Coins { if address.Equals(LiquidatorAccountAddress) { return k.getLiquidatorModuleAccount(ctx).Coins } else { return k.bankKeeper.GetCoins(ctx, address) } } // TODO test this with unsorted coins func (k Keeper) HasCoins(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.AccAddress, amount sdk.Coins) bool { if address.Equals(LiquidatorAccountAddress) { return true } else { return k.getLiquidatorModuleAccount(ctx).Coins.IsAllGTE(stripGovCoin(amount)) } } func (k Keeper) getLiquidatorModuleAccount(ctx sdk.Context) LiquidatorModuleAccount { // get store store := ctx.KVStore(k.key) // get bytes bz := store.Get(liquidatorAccountKey) if bz == nil { return LiquidatorModuleAccount{} // TODO is it safe to do this, or better to initialize the account explicitly } // unmarshal var lma LiquidatorModuleAccount k.cdc.MustUnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(bz, &lma) return lma } func (k Keeper) SetLiquidatorModuleAccount(ctx sdk.Context, lma LiquidatorModuleAccount) { store := ctx.KVStore(k.key) bz := k.cdc.MustMarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(lma) store.Set(liquidatorAccountKey, bz) } func stripGovCoin(coins sdk.Coins) sdk.Coins { filteredCoins := sdk.NewCoins() for _, c := range coins { if c.Denom != "kava" { filteredCoins = append(filteredCoins, c) } } return filteredCoins }