# Kava EVM contracts Contracts for the Kava EVM used by the Kava blockchain. Includes an ERC20 contract for wrapping native cosmos sdk.Coins. ## Setup ``` npm install ``` ## Test ``` npm test ``` ## Development ``` # Watch contract + tests npm run dev # Watch tests only npm run test-watch ``` ## Deploying contracts to test networks A deploy script is included in this hardhat project to deploy a contract directly to a network. To deploy the contracts to different networks: ``` npx hardhat run --network <network-name> scripts/deploy.ts ``` Configuration for various `<network-name>`s above are setup in the [hardhat config](./hardhat.config.ts). ## Production compiling & Ethermint JSON Ethermint uses its own json format that includes the ABI and bytecode in a single file. The bytecode should have no `0x` prefix and should be under the property name `bin`. This structure is built from the compiled code with `npm ethermint-json`. The following compiles the contract, builds the ethermint json and copies the file to the evmutil: ``` npm build ```