--- swagger: "2.0" info: version: "3.0" title: Kava Light Client RPC description: A REST interface for state queries, transaction generation and broadcasting. tags: - name: CDP description: CDP module APIs - name: Auction description: Auction module APIs - name: BEP3 description: BEP3 module APIs - name: Incentive description: Incentive module APIs - name: Pricefeed description: Auction module APIs - name: Hard description: Hard module APIs - name: Swap description: Swap module APIs - name: Committee description: Committee module APIs - name: Kavadist description: Kavadist module APIs - name: Issuance description: Issuance module APIs - name: Vesting description: Validator vesting module APIs schemes: - https host: api.data.kava.io securityDefinitions: kms: type: basic paths: /cdp: post: deprecated: true summary: Create a cdp transaction tags: - CDP consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - description: create cdp post parameters name: post_cdp_req in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" owner: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" collateral: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinCollateral" principal: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinPrincipal" collateral_type: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCollateralType" responses: 200: description: Tx was successfully generated schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Server internal error /cdp/{owner}/{collateral_type}/deposits: post: deprecated: true summary: Create a deposit to cdp transaction tags: - CDP consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: owner description: Owner address in bech32 format required: true type: string x-example: kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c - in: path name: collateral_type description: Collateral type required: true type: string x-example: xrpb-a - description: deposit cdp post parameters name: post_deposit_req in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" owner: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" depositor: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" collateral: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinCollateral" collateral_type: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCollateralType" responses: 200: description: Tx was successfully generated schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Server internal error /cdp/{owner}/{collateral_type}/withdraw: post: deprecated: true summary: create a withdraw collateral transaction tags: - CDP consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: owner description: Owner address in bech32 format required: true type: string x-example: kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c - in: path name: collateral_type description: Collateral type required: true type: string x-example: xrpb-a - description: withdraw cdp post parameters name: post_withdraw_req in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" owner: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" depositor: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" collateral: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinCollateral" collateral_type: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCollateralType" responses: 200: description: Tx was successfully generated schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Server internal error /cdp/{owner}/{collateral_type}/draw: post: deprecated: true summary: Create a draw debt transaction tags: - CDP consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: owner description: Owner address in bech32 format required: true type: string x-example: kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c - in: path name: collateral_type description: Collateral type required: true type: string x-example: xrpb-a - description: draw cdp post parameters name: post_draw_req in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" owner: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" principal: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinPrincipal" collateral_type: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCollateralType" responses: 200: description: Tx was successfully generated schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Server internal error /cdp/{owner}/{collateral_type}/repay: post: deprecated: true summary: Repay debt from a CDP tags: - CDP consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: owner description: Owner address in bech32 format required: true type: string x-example: kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c - in: path name: collateral_type description: Collateral type required: true type: string x-example: xrpb-a - description: repay cdp post parameters name: post_repay_req in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" owner: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" payment: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinPrincipal" collateral_type: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCollateralType" responses: 200: description: Tx was successfully generated schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Server internal error /cdp/{owner}/{collateral_type}/liquidate: post: deprecated: true summary: Attempt to liquidate a CDP whose collateralization ratio is under its liquidaiton ratio tags: - CDP consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: owner description: Owner address in bech32 format required: true type: string x-example: kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c - in: path name: collateral_type description: Collateral type required: true type: string x-example: xrpb-a - description: liquidate cdp post parameters name: post_liquidate_req in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" owner: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" collateral_type: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCollateralType" responses: 200: description: Tx was successfully generated schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Server internal error /cdp/accounts: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the cdp module accounts tags: - CDP produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: The cdp module accounts schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array items: type: object properties: account_number: type: number address: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" coins: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" name: type: string permissions: type: array items: type: string public_key: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyPublicKey" sequence: type: number 500: description: Server internal error /cdp/parameters: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the parameters of the cdp module tags: - CDP produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: The parameters of the cdp module schema: type: object properties: collateral_params: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCollateralParam" debt_params: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyDebtParam" global_debt_limit: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinCollateral" surplus_auction_threshold: type: string example: "1000000000" surplus_auction_lot: type: string example: "10000000" debt_auction_threshold: type: string example: "1000000000" savings_distribution_frequency: type: string example: "60000000" circuit_breaker: type: boolean example: false 500: description: Server internal error /cdp/cdps/cdp/{owner}/{collateral_type}: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the cdp associated with the input owner address and collateral type tags: - CDP produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: owner description: Owner address in bech32 format required: true type: string x-example: kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c - in: path name: collateral_type description: Collateral type required: true type: string x-example: xrpb-a responses: 200: description: CDP associated with owner schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCdpResponse" 500: description: Server internal error /cdp/cdps/collateralType/{collateral_type}: get: deprecated: true summary: Get all cdps with collateral type equal to the input collateral type tags: - CDP produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: collateral_type description: Collateral Type required: true type: string x-example: xrpb-a responses: 200: description: All CDPs with the input collateral type schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCdpResponse" 500: description: Server internal error /cdp/cdps/ratio/{collateral_type}/{ratio}: get: deprecated: true summary: Get all cdps with collateral type equal to the input collateral type and collateralization ratio strictly less than the input ratio tags: - CDP produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: collateral_type description: Collateral type required: true type: string x-example: xrpb-a - in: path name: ratio description: Collateralization ratio required: true type: string x-example: "2.0" responses: 200: description: All CDPs with the input collateral type and collateralization ratio less than the input ratio schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCdpResponse" 500: description: Server internal error /cdp/cdps/cdp/deposits/{owner}/{collateral_type}: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the deposits associated with the cdp owned by an address for a collateral type tags: - CDP produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: owner description: Owner address in bech32 format required: true type: string x-example: kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c - in: path name: collateral_type description: Collateral type required: true type: string x-example: xrpb-a responses: 200: description: Deposits associated with the cdp schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCdpDepositResponse" 500: description: Server internal error /cdp/cdps: get: deprecated: true summary: Query all active cdps tags: - CDP produces: - application/json parameters: - in: query name: owner description: Owner address in bech32 format required: false type: string x-example: kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c - in: query name: collateral_type description: Collateral type required: false type: string x-example: xrpb-a - in: query name: id description: CDP ID required: false type: string x-example: "4" - in: query name: ratio description: Collateralization ratio required: false type: string x-example: "2.75" responses: 200: description: Query cdps schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCdpResponse" 500: description: Internal Server Error /bep3/swap/create: post: deprecated: true summary: Generate a create atomic swap transaction consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json tags: - BEP3 parameters: - in: body name: Create atomic swap request body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" from: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" to: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" recipient_other_chain: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBinanceChainAddress" sender_other_chain: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBinanceChainAddress2" random_number_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyRandomNumberHash" timestamp: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyTimestamp" height_span: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyHeightSpan" cross_chain: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCrossChain" responses: 200: description: The transaction was successfully generated schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /bep3/swap/claim: post: deprecated: true summary: Generate a claim atomic swap transaction consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json tags: - BEP3 parameters: - in: body name: Create atomic swap request body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" from: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" swap_id: type: string example: "3ca20f0152f03b0aabe73e7aa1ddf78b9048ede5a9a73846e1ef53bebbfa4185" random_number: type: string example: "e3d0a98b459f72231da69c3bd771c1e721fef4be83c14b80dc805ba71019eebe" responses: 200: description: The transaction was successfully generated schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /bep3/swap/refund: post: deprecated: true summary: Generate a refund atomic swap transaction consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json tags: - BEP3 parameters: - in: body name: Create atomic swap request body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" from: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" swap_id: type: string example: "1b00244021ec239867e5b8c44bcd98e40f3148806a8c0a8fd3418872986becba" responses: 200: description: The transaction was successfully generated schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /bep3/swap/{swap-id}: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the atomic swap object associated with the input swap ID tags: - BEP3 produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path required: true name: swap-id description: the swap ID type: string x-example: 1b00244021ec239867e5b8c44bcd98e40f3148806a8c0a8fd3418872986becba responses: 200: description: Atomic swap schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "548883" result: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAtomicSwapResponse" 500: description: Server internal error /bep3/swaps: get: deprecated: true summary: Get all atomic swaps tags: - BEP3 produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: All atomic swaps schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAtomicSwapResponse" 500: description: Server internal error /bep3/supply/{denom}: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the asset supply for the input denom tags: - BEP3 produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path type: string required: true name: denom x-example: bnb responses: 200: description: Asset supply schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: object $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAssetSupplyResponse" 500: description: Server internal error /bep3/parameters: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the current parameters of the BEP3 module tags: - BEP3 produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: BEP3 module parameters schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "548883" result: type: object $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBep3ParamsResponse" 500: description: Server internal error /auction/auctions/{id}/bids: post: deprecated: true summary: Generate a place bid transaction consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json tags: - Auction parameters: - in: path name: id description: Auction id required: true type: string x-example: "1" - in: body name: Auction bid request body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" amount: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinBid" responses: 200: description: The transaction was successfully generated schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /auction/parameters: get: deprecated: true summary: Query auction parameters produces: - application/json tags: - Auction responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAuctionParameters" 500: description: Internal Server Error /auction/auctions: get: deprecated: true summary: Query auctions description: Query all ongoing auctions produces: - application/json tags: - Auction responses: 200: description: OK schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAuctionResponse" 500: description: Internal Server Error /auction/auctions/{id}: get: deprecated: true summary: Query auction description: Query auction by id produces: - application/json tags: - Auction parameters: - in: path name: id description: Auction id required: true type: string x-example: "1" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAuctionResponse" 400: description: invalid auction id 500: description: Internal Server Error /pricefeed/postprice: post: deprecated: true summary: Generate post price transaction consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json tags: - Pricefeed parameters: - description: post price request name: post_price_req in: body required: true schema: type: object properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" market_id: type: string example: "xrp:usd" price: type: string example: "0.298464000000000007" expiry: type: string example: "158551630291" responses: 200: description: The transaction was successfully generated schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /pricefeed/parameters: get: deprecated: true summary: Query pricefeed parameters produces: - application/json tags: - Pricefeed responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyPricefeedParameters" 500: description: Internal Server Error /pricefeed/markets: get: deprecated: true summary: Query markets in the pricefeed produces: - application/json tags: - Pricefeed responses: 200: description: OK schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyMarket" 500: description: Internal Server Error /pricefeed/oracles/{market_id}: get: deprecated: true summary: Query markets in the pricefeed produces: - application/json tags: - Pricefeed parameters: - in: path name: market_id description: the market id of the market required: true type: string x-example: "xrp:usd" responses: 200: description: OK schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" 500: description: Internal Server Error /pricefeed/rawprices/{market_id}: get: deprecated: true summary: Query markets in the pricefeed produces: - application/json tags: - Pricefeed parameters: - in: path name: market_id description: the market id of the market required: true type: string x-example: "xrp:usd" responses: 200: description: OK schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyPostedPrice" 500: description: Internal Server Error /pricefeed/price/{market_id}: get: deprecated: true summary: Query markets in the pricefeed produces: - application/json tags: - Pricefeed parameters: - in: path name: market_id description: the market id of the market required: true type: string x-example: "xrp:usd" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyPrice" 500: description: Internal Server Error /incentive/claim-cdp: post: deprecated: true summary: Claim USDX incentive rewards from earned from CDPs tags: - Incentive consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: Incentive claim CDP body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" sender: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" multiplier_name: type: string example: "small" denoms_to_claim: type: array items: type: string example: "ukava" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /incentive/claim-hard: post: deprecated: true summary: Claim Hard supply/borrow rewards tags: - Incentive consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: Incentive claim Hard body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" sender: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" multiplier_name: type: string example: "small" denoms_to_claim: type: array items: type: string example: "ukava" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /incentive/claim-delegator: post: deprecated: true summary: Claim Kava delegation rewards tags: - Incentive consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: Incentive claim delegator body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" sender: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" multiplier_name: type: string example: "small" denoms_to_claim: type: array items: type: string example: "ukava" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /incentive/claim-swap: post: deprecated: true summary: Claim Swap liquidity provider rewards tags: - Incentive consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: Incentive claim swap body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" sender: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" multiplier_name: type: string example: "small" denoms_to_claim: type: array items: type: string example: "ukava" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /incentive/rewards: get: deprecated: true summary: Get earned Incentive rewards tags: - Incentive produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: Incentive rewards schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyRewardResult" 500: description: Server internal error /incentive/parameters: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the current parameters of the incentive module tags: - Incentive produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: USDX Incentive Claims schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyIncentiveParams" 500: description: Server internal error /vesting/circulatingsupply: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the current circulating supply of KAVA tags: - Vesting produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: KAVA circulating supply schema: properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: string example: "81443180" 500: description: Server internal error /vesting/totalsupply: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the total supply of KAVA tags: - Vesting produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: KAVA total supply schema: properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: string example: "120000000" 500: description: Server internal error /vesting/circulatingsupplyhard: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the current circulating supply of HARD tags: - Vesting produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: HARD circulating supply schema: properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: string example: "63750000" 500: description: Server internal error /vesting/totalsupplyhard: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the total supply of HARD tags: - Vesting produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: HARD total supply schema: properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: string example: "200000000" 500: description: Server internal error /vesting/circulatingsupplyswp: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the current circulating supply of SWP tags: - Vesting produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: SWP circulating supply schema: properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: string example: "63750000" 500: description: Server internal error /vesting/circulatingsupplyusdx: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the current circulating supply of USDX tags: - Vesting produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: USDX circulating supply schema: properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: string example: "63750000" 500: description: Server internal error /vesting/totalsupplyusdx: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the total supply of USDX tags: - Vesting produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: USDX total supply schema: properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: string example: "200000000" 500: description: Server internal error /committee/committees/{committee-id}/proposals: post: deprecated: true summary: Create a new proposal for a committee tags: - Committee consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: committee-id required: true type: string x-example: 1 - in: body name: proposal request body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" pub_proposal: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyPubProposal" proposer: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" responses: 200: description: The transaction was successfully generated schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error get: deprecated: true summary: Query proposals description: Query all proposals for a committee produces: - application/json tags: - Committee parameters: - in: path name: committee-id required: true type: string x-example: 1 responses: 200: description: Committee governance proposals schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCommitteeProposal" 400: description: Invalid query parameters 500: description: Internal Server Error /committee/proposals/{proposal-id}/votes: post: deprecated: true summary: Create a new vote for a proposal tags: - Committee consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: proposal-id required: true type: string x-example: 1 - in: body name: proposal request body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" voter: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" vote_type: type: string example: "yes" responses: 200: description: The transaction was successfully generated schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error get: deprecated: true summary: Query proposal votes description: Query proposal votes by proposal ID tags: - Committee produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: proposal-id required: true type: string x-example: 1 responses: 200: description: Votes schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCommitteeVote" 400: description: Invalid query parameters 500: description: Internal Server Error /committee/committees: get: deprecated: true summary: Query committees description: Query all committees tags: - Committee produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: Committees schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCommittee" 400: description: Invalid query parameters 500: description: Internal Server Error /committee/committees/{committee-id}: get: deprecated: true summary: Query committee description: Query committee by ID tags: - Committee produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: committee-id required: true type: string x-example: 1 responses: 200: description: Committee schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: object $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCommittee" 400: description: Invalid query parameters 500: description: Internal Server Error /committee/proposals/{proposal-id}: get: deprecated: true summary: Query proposal description: Query proposal by ID tags: - Committee produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: proposal-id required: true type: string x-example: 1 responses: 200: description: Proposal schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: object $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCommitteeProposal" 400: description: Invalid query parameters 500: description: Internal Server Error /committee/proposals/{proposal-id}/propser: get: deprecated: true summary: Query proposer description: Query proposer by proposal ID tags: - Committee produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: proposal-id required: true type: string x-example: 1 responses: 200: description: Proposer schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: object $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyProposer" 400: description: Invalid query parameters 500: description: Internal Server Error /committee/proposals/{proposal-id}/tally: get: deprecated: true summary: Query proposal tally description: Query proposal tally by proposal ID tags: - Committee produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: proposal-id required: true type: string x-example: 1 responses: 200: description: Vote tally schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: string example: "3" 400: description: Invalid query parameters 500: description: Internal Server Error /hard/deposit: post: deprecated: true summary: Deposit funds to hard liquidity pool tags: - Hard consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: hard deposit body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" depositor: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" amount: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoins" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /hard/withdraw: post: deprecated: true summary: Withdraw funds from hard liquidity pool tags: - Hard consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: hard withdraw body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" depositor: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" amount: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoins" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /hard/borrow: post: deprecated: true summary: Borrow funds from hard liquidity pool tags: - Hard consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: hard borrow body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" depositor: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" amount: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoins" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /hard/repay: post: deprecated: true summary: Repay funds borrowed from hard liquidity pool tags: - Hard consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: hard repay body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" owner: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" amount: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoins" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /hard/liquidate: post: deprecated: true summary: Attempt to liquidate a borrower that is over their loan-to-value tags: - Hard consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: hard liquidate body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" borrower: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /hard/parameters: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the current parameters of the hard module tags: - Hard produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: Hard module parameters schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyHardParams" 500: description: Server internal error /hard/total-deposited: get: deprecated: true summary: Get total coins deposited to hard liquidity pools tags: - Hard produces: - application/json parameters: - in: query name: denom description: Coin denom required: false type: string x-example: btc responses: 200: description: total coins deposited schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" 500: description: Server internal error /hard/total-borrowed: get: deprecated: true summary: Get total coins borrowed from hard liquidity pools tags: - Hard produces: - application/json parameters: - in: query name: denom description: Coin denom required: false type: string x-example: btc responses: 200: description: total coins borrowed schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" 500: description: Server internal error /hard/reserves: get: deprecated: true summary: Get total hard reserve coins tags: - Hard produces: - application/json parameters: - in: query name: denom description: Coin denom required: false type: string x-example: btc responses: 200: description: reserve coins schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" 500: description: Server internal error /hard/interest-rate: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the hard module interest rates tags: - Hard produces: - application/json parameters: - in: query name: denom description: Money market denom required: false type: string x-example: bnb responses: 200: description: money market interest rates schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyMoneyMarketInterestRate" 500: description: Server internal error /hard/accounts: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the hard module accounts tags: - Hard produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: The hard module accounts schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array items: type: object properties: account_number: type: number address: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" coins: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" name: type: string permissions: type: array items: type: string public_key: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyPublicKey" sequence: type: number 500: description: Server internal error /hard/deposits: get: deprecated: true summary: Get hard deposits tags: - Hard produces: - application/json parameters: - in: query name: denom description: Deposit coin denom required: false type: string x-example: btc - in: query name: owner description: Owner address in bech32 format required: false type: string x-example: kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c - in: query name: page description: The page number. type: integer x-example: 1 - in: query name: limit description: The maximum number of items per page. type: integer x-example: 100 responses: 200: description: hard deposits schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyHardDepositResponse" 500: description: Server internal error /hard/borrows: get: deprecated: true summary: Get hard borrows tags: - Hard produces: - application/json parameters: - in: query name: denom description: Borrow coin denom required: false type: string x-example: btc - in: query name: owner description: Owner address in bech32 format required: false type: string x-example: kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c - in: query name: page description: The page number. type: integer x-example: 1 - in: query name: limit description: The maximum number of items per page. type: integer x-example: 100 responses: 200: description: hard borrows schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyHardBorrowResponse" 500: description: Server internal error /issuance/issue: post: deprecated: true summary: Issue tokens tags: - Issuance consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: Issue tokens body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" sender: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" tokens: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" receiver: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /issuance/redeem: post: deprecated: true summary: Redeem tokens tags: - Issuance consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: Redeem tokens body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" sender: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" tokens: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /issuance/block: post: deprecated: true summary: Block an address from using an issued token tags: - Issuance consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: Block address body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" sender: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" denom: type: string example: "usdt" blocked_address: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /issuance/unblock: post: deprecated: true summary: Unblock an address from using an issued token tags: - Issuance consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: Unblock address body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" sender: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" denom: type: string example: "usdt" address: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /issuance/pause: post: deprecated: true summary: Set an issued token's pause status tags: - Issuance consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: Set pause status body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" sender: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" denom: type: string example: "usdt" status: type: boolean example: true responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /issuance/parameters: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the current parameters of the Issuance module tags: - Issuance produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: Issuance parameters schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyIssuanceParams" 500: description: Server internal error /swap/deposit: post: deprecated: true summary: Deposit funds to swap liquidity pool tags: - Swap consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: swap deposit body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" depositor: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" token_a: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" token_b: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" slippage: type: string example: "0.05" deadline: type: string example: "1628073801" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /swap/withdraw: post: deprecated: true summary: Withdraw funds from a swap liquidity pool tags: - Swap consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: swap withdraw body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" from: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" shares: type: string example: "5000" min_token_a: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" min_token_b: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" deadline: type: string example: "1628073801" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /swap/swapExactForTokens: post: deprecated: true summary: Swap exact amount of input tokens for approximate amount of output tokens tags: - Swap consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: swap exact for tokens body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" requester: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" exact_token_a: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" token_b: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" slippage: type: string example: "0.05" deadline: type: string example: "1628073801" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /swap/swapForExactTokens: post: deprecated: true summary: Swap approximate amount of input tokens for exact amount of output tokens tags: - Swap consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: swap for exact tokens body schema: properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseReq" requester: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" token_a: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" exact_token_b: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" slippage: type: string example: "0.05" deadline: type: string example: "1628073801" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyStdTx" 400: description: Invalid request 500: description: Internal server error /swap/parameters: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the current parameters of the swap module tags: - Swap produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: Swap module parameters schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacySwapParams" 500: description: Server internal error /swap/deposits: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the current deposits of a liquidity pool tags: - Swap produces: - application/json parameters: - in: query name: owner description: Owner address in bech32 format required: false type: string x-example: kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c - in: query name: pool description: Pool ID required: false type: string x-example: "abc:xyz" responses: 200: description: Liquidity pool deposits schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacySwapDepositsQueryResult" 500: description: Server internal error /swap/pool: get: deprecated: true summary: Get information about a liquidity pool by ID tags: - Swap produces: - application/json parameters: - in: query name: pool description: Pool ID required: true type: string x-example: "abc:xyz" responses: 200: description: Liquidity pool statistics schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacySwapPoolStatsQueryResult" 500: description: Server internal error /swap/pools: get: deprecated: true summary: Get information about all liquidity pools tags: - Swap produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: Statistics for all liquidity pools schema: type: object properties: height: type: string example: "100" result: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacySwapPoolStatsQueryResult" 500: description: Server internal error /kavadist/parameters: get: deprecated: true summary: Get the current kavadist parameter values tags: - Kavadist produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: OK schema: type: object properties: active: type: string periods: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyKavadistPeriod" 500: description: Internal Server Error definitions: LegacyCrossChain: type: boolean example: true LegacyMsg: type: object properties: type: type: string example: "cosmos-sdk/MsgSend" value: type: object properties: from_address: type: string example: kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c to_address: type: string example: kava1ls82zzghsx0exkpr52m8vht5jqs3un0ceysshz amount: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" LegacyAddress: type: string description: bech32 encoded address example: kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c LegacyAddress2: type: string description: bech32 encoded address example: kava1atsrkjac6ulgmwhudfc36lnjfgv340vlvm757z LegacyBinanceChainAddress: type: string description: address on another chain (binance) example: bnb1uky3me9ggqypmrsvxk7ur6hqkzq7zmv4ed4ng7 LegacyBinanceChainAddress2: type: string description: address on another chain (binance) example: bnb10uypsspvl6jlxcx5xse02pag39l8xpe7a3468h LegacyRandomNumberHash: type: string description: hex-encoded sha256 hash of a 64bit random number example: c0544b7f4b890a673ea3f61bdb4650fbfe2f3e56bda1b397d6d592fca7163c8c LegacyTimestamp: type: string description: unix timestamp example: "1585252531" LegacyHeightSpan: type: string description: span of blocks for which an atomic swap is valid example: "3600" LegacyCoin: type: object properties: denom: type: string example: ukava amount: type: string example: "50000" LegacyCoins: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoins" LegacyCoinBNB: type: object properties: denom: type: string example: bnb amount: type: string example: "555555" LegacyCollateralType: type: string example: xrpb-a LegacyCoinCollateral: type: object properties: denom: type: string example: "xrp" amount: type: string example: "10000000000" LegacyCoinPrincipal: type: object properties: denom: type: string example: "usdx" amount: type: string example: "10000000" LegacyCoinBid: type: object properties: denom: type: string example: "usdx" amount: type: string example: "100000000" LegacySignature: type: object properties: signature: type: string example: "W1HfKcc4F0rCSoxheZ7fsrB5nGK58U4gKysuzsmUwhloVnCxmbCx289uVMMvQN6tOcQsz7hMVTJrXSA1xzevvw==" pubkey: type: object properties: type: type: string example: "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1" value: type: string example: "Agey31h/NYpcy0sYm4liHMrXJMzbQUrgV4uHd/w09CXN" LegacyStdTx: type: object properties: msg: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyMsg" fee: type: object properties: gas: type: string example: "200000" amount: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" memo: type: string signatures: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacySignature" LegacyBaseReq: type: object properties: from: type: string example: "kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c" description: Sender address or Keybase name to generate a transaction memo: type: string example: "a memo" chain_id: type: string example: "testing" account_number: type: string example: "1" sequence: type: string example: "0" gas: type: string example: "200000" gas_adjustment: type: string example: "1.0" fees: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" simulate: type: boolean example: false description: Estimate gas for a transaction (cannot be used in conjunction with generate_only) LegacyAtomicSwapResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string example: FFEA80A3D9A42427CC12DB957866C6D428C16AA5EA6D9A4A756EF04BF9F2FF06 status: type: string example: Completed amount: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinBNB" random_number_hash: type: string example: 0b1e35e991bf052be230ae8dd3ff90b69a610160d28a9eb3c0701395f9d2b291 expire_hieght: type: string example: "532463" timestamp: type: string example: "1589020884" sender: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" recipient: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress2" sender_other_chain: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBinanceChainAddress" recipient_other_chain: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBinanceChainAddress2" closed_block: type: string example: "532105" cross_chain: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCrossChain" direction: type: string example: Incoming LegacyAssetSupplyResponse: type: object properties: denom: type: string example: bnb incoming_supply: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinBNB" outgoing_supply: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinBNB" current_supply: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinBNB" limit: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinBNB" LegacyBep3ParamsResponse: type: object properties: bnb_deputy_address: type: string example: kava1aphsdnz5hu2t5ty2au6znprug5kx3zpy6zwq29 min_block_lock: type: string example: "80" max_block_lock: type: string example: "3600" supported_assets: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBep3Asset" LegacyBep3Asset: type: object properties: denom: type: string example: bnb coin_id: type: string example: "714" limit: type: string example: "100" active: type: boolean example: true LegacyRewardResult: type: object properties: hard_claims: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyHardLiquidityProviderClaim" usdx_minting_claims: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyUSDXMintingClaims" LegacyHardLiquidityProviderClaim: type: object properties: base_claim: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseMultiClaim" supply_reward_indexes: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyMultiRewardIndex" borrow_reward_indexes: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyMultiRewardIndex" delegator_reward_indexes: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyRewardIndex" LegacyUSDXMintingClaims: type: object properties: base_claim: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBaseClaim" reward_indexes: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyRewardIndex" LegacyBaseClaim: type: object properties: owner: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" reward: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" LegacyBaseMultiClaim: type: object properties: owner: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" reward: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" LegacyMultiRewardIndex: type: object properties: collateral_type: type: string example: "bnb" reward_indexes: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyRewardIndex" LegacyRewardIndex: type: object properties: collateral_type: type: string example: "bnb" reward_factor: type: string example: "1.2581" LegacyIncentiveParams: type: object properties: usdx_minting_reward_periods: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyRewardPeriod" hard_supply_reward_periods: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyMultiRewardPeriod" hard_borrow_reward_periods: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyMultiRewardPeriod" hard_delegator_reward_periods: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyRewardPeriod" claim_multipliers: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyMultiplier" claim_end: type: string example: "2022-02-05T23:45:55.761435272Z" LegacyRewardPeriod: type: object properties: active: type: boolean example: true collateral_type: type: string example: bnb start: type: string example: "2020-02-05T23:45:55.761435272Z" end: type: string example: "2024-02-05T23:45:55.761435272Z" rewards_per_second: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" LegacyMultiRewardPeriod: type: object properties: active: type: boolean example: true collateral_type: type: string example: bnb start: type: string example: "2020-02-05T23:45:55.761435272Z" end: type: string example: "2024-02-05T23:45:55.761435272Z" rewards_per_second: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" LegacyPubProposal: type: object properties: title: type: string example: "the title of the proposal" description: type: string example: "the description of the proposal" LegacyCdpResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string example: "1" owner: type: string example: kava1q53rwutgpzx7szcrgzqguxyccjpzt9j4cyctn9 collateral: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinCollateral" type: type: string example: "xrpb-a" principal: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinPrincipal" accumulated_fees: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinPrincipal" fees_updated: type: string example: "2020-02-05T23:45:55.761435272Z" collateral_value: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinPrincipal" collateralization_ratio: type: string example: "2.721734157907653857" LegacyCdpDepositResponse: type: object properties: cdp_id: type: string example: "1" depositor: type: string example: kava1q53rwutgpzx7szcrgzqguxyccjpzt9j4cyctn9 amount: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinCollateral" LegacyPricefeedParameters: type: object properties: markets: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyMarket" LegacyPrice: type: object properties: market_id: type: string example: "xrp:usd" price: type: string example: "0.298758999999999997" LegacyPostedPrice: type: object properties: market_id: type: string example: "xrp:usd" oracle_address: type: string example: kava10cw2m04528dwlc44k0myd7strj3eq5jr6s8pxs price: type: string example: "0.298758999999999997" expiry: type: string example: "2021-02-12T23:10:00Z" LegacyMarket: type: object properties: market_id: type: string example: "xrp:usd" base_asset: type: string example: "xrp" quote_asset: type: string example: "usd" oracles: type: array x-nullable: true items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" active: type: boolean example: true LegacySwapParams: type: object properties: allowed_pools: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAllowedPool" swap_fee: type: string example: "0.03" LegacyAllowedPool: type: object properties: token_a: type: string example: "ukava" token_b: type: string example: "usdx" LegacySwapDepositsQueryResult: type: object properties: depositor: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" pool_id: type: string example: "abc:xyz" shares_owned: type: string example: "500" shares_value: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoins" LegacySwapPoolStatsQueryResult: type: object properties: name: type: string example: "abc:xyz" coins: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoins" total_shares: type: string example: "500" LegacyHardParams: type: object properties: money_markets: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyMoneyMarket" minimum_borrow_usd_value: type: string example: "10" LegacyMoneyMarket: type: object properties: denom: type: string example: "bnb" borrow_limit: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBorrowLimit" spot_market_id: type: string example: "bnb:usd" conversion_factor: type: string example: "100000000" interest_rate_model: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyInterestRateModel" reserve_factor: type: string example: "0.05" keeper_reward_percentage: type: string example: "0.05" LegacyBorrowLimit: type: object properties: has_max_limit: type: boolean example: true maximum_limit: type: string example: "100000000000000" loan_to_value: type: string example: "0.8" LegacyInterestRateModel: type: object properties: base_rate_apy: type: string example: "0" base_multiplier: type: string example: "0.1" kink: type: string example: "0.8" jump_multiplier: type: string example: "0.5" LegacyHardDepositResponse: type: object properties: depositor: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" amount: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" index: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacySupplyInterestFactor" LegacyHardBorrowResponse: type: object properties: borrower: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" amount: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" index: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyBorrowInterestFactor" LegacySupplyInterestFactor: type: object properties: denom: type: string example: "bnb" value: type: string example: "0.1258" LegacyBorrowInterestFactor: type: object properties: denom: type: string example: "bnb" value: type: string example: "0.1258" LegacyMoneyMarketInterestRate: type: object properties: denom: type: string example: "bnb" supply_interest_rate: type: string example: "5.25" borrow_interest_rate: type: string example: "5.25" LegacyMultiplierName: type: string example: "small" LegacyMultiplier: type: object properties: name: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyMultiplierName" months_lockup: type: string example: "12" factor: type: string example: "0.33" LegacyIssuanceParams: type: object properties: assets: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyIssuanceAsset" LegacyIssuanceAsset: type: object properties: owner: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" denom: type: string example: "btc" blocked_addresses: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" paused: type: boolean example: false blockable: type: boolean example: true rate_limit: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyRateLimit" LegacyRateLimit: type: object properties: active: type: boolean example: true limit: type: string example: "500000000" time_period: type: string example: "518400000000000" LegacyAuctionParameters: type: object properties: max_auction_duration: type: string example: "172800000000000" bid_duration: type: string example: "600000000000" increment_surplus: type: string example: "0.05" increment_debt: type: string example: "0.05" increment_collateral: type: string example: "0.05" LegacyAuctionResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string example: "1" initiator: type: string example: liquidator lot: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinCollateral" bidder: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" bid: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoin" has_received_bids: type: boolean example: false end_time: type: string example: "2020-02-05T23:45:55.761435272Z" max_end_time: type: string example: "2020-02-05T23:45:55.761435272Z" type: type: string example: collateral phase: type: string example: forward LegacyCollateralParam: type: object properties: denom: type: string example: xrp type: type: string example: xrp-a liquidation_ratio: type: string example: "2.000000000000000000" debt_limit: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyCoinPrincipal" stability_fee: type: string example: "1.000000001547126000" auction_size: type: string example: "5000000000" liquidation_penalty: type: string example: "0.050000000000000000" prefix: type: integer example: 0 spot_market_id: type: string example: "xrp:usd" liquidation_market_id: type: string example: "xrp:usd:30" keeper_reward_percentage: type: string example: "0.05" check_collateralization_index_count: type: string example: "10" conversion_factor: type: string example: "6" LegacyDebtParam: type: object properties: denom: type: string example: usdx reference_asset: type: string example: "usd" conversion_factor: type: string example: "6" debt_floor: type: string example: "10000000" LegacyProposer: type: object properties: proposal_id: type: string example: "1" proposer: type: string example: kava1ffv7nhd3z6sych2qpqkk03ec6hzkmufy0r2s4c LegacyCommitteeVote: type: object properties: voter: type: string proposal_id: type: string vote_type: type: string LegacyCommitteeProposal: type: object properties: pub_proposal: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyPubProposal" id: type: string example: "1" committee_id: type: string example: "1" deadline: type: string example: "2020-05-10T16:18:43.752522893Z" LegacyCommittee: type: object properties: id: type: string example: "1" description: type: string example: description of committee members: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAddress" permissions: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyPermission" vote_threshold: type: string example: "0.5" proposal_duration: type: string example: "3600000000000" LegacyPermission: type: object properties: type: type: string example: "param_change_permission" allowed_params: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyAllowedParam" LegacyAllowedParam: type: object properties: subspace: type: string example: cdp key: type: string example: collateral_params LegacyRedelegation: type: object properties: delegator_address: type: string validator_src_address: type: string validator_dst_address: type: string entries: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LegacyRedelegation" LegacyPublicKey: type: object properties: type: type: string value: type: string LegacyKavadistPeriod: type: object properties: start: type: string example: "2020-06-01:14:00:00Z" end: type: string example: "2020-06-01:14:00:00Z" inflation: type: string example: "1.000000001167363430"