# kava-8 Oracle Update Guide The Kava blockchain is upgrading and minor updates are needed for oracles ## Update Guide For Standalone Oracle Operators 1. Install the latest version of kava-tools 2. In your `.env` configuration file, add an entry for `FEE`. This will set the default fee (in ukava) for each oracle transaction (can be 0). - `FEE=”10000”` 3. In your `.env` configuration file, update the MARKET_IDS entry to include the latest markets for kava-5: - `MARKET_IDS="bnb:usd,bnb:usd:30,btc:usd,btc:usd:30,xrp:usd,xrp:usd:30,busd:usd,busd:usd:30,kava:usd,kava:usd:30,hard:usd,hard:usd:30,usdx:usd,usdx:usd:30"` 4. Restart your oracle process ## Update Guide For Chainlink Oracle Operators 1. Pull the latest version of Kava’s external-adapters-js repo 2. Install `yarn` 3. Build the latest version of the kava adapter - from top level external-adapter-js directory - make docker adapter=kava 4. Edit your configuration file and add an entry for `FEE`. This will set the default fee (in ukava) for each oracle transaction (can be 0). - `FEE=”10000”` 5. Restart the kava adapter with the latest version 6. If necessary, create jobs for the following market_ids, if they do not already exist - bnb:usd - bnb:usd:30 - btc:usd - btc:usd:30 - xrp:usd - xrp:usd:30 - busd:usd - busd:usd:30 - kava:usd - kava:usd:30 - hard:usd - hard:usd:30 - usdx:usd - usdx:usd:30