syntax = "proto3"; package; option go_package = ""; import "gogoproto/gogo.proto"; import "cosmos_proto/cosmos.proto"; import "amino/amino.proto"; // Minter represents the minting state. message Minter { // current annual inflation rate string inflation = 1 [ (cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.Dec", (gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false ]; // current annual expected provisions string annual_provisions = 2 [ (cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.Dec", (gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false ]; } // Params defines the parameters for the x/mint module. message Params { option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false; option ( = "cosmos-sdk/x/mint/Params"; // type of coin to mint string mint_denom = 1; // maximum annual change in inflation rate string inflation_rate_change = 2 [ (cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.Dec", (gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false ]; // maximum inflation rate string inflation_max = 3 [ (cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.Dec", (gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false ]; // minimum inflation rate string inflation_min = 4 [ (cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.Dec", (gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false ]; // goal of percent bonded atoms string goal_bonded = 5 [ (cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.Dec", (gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false ]; // expected blocks per year uint64 blocks_per_year = 6; }