# `evmutil` ## Table of Contents 1. **[Concepts](01_concepts.md)** 2. **[State](02_state.md)** ## Overview The `evmutil` module provides additional functionalities on top of the `evm` module by storing additional state data for evm accounts and exposing an `EvmBankKeeper` that should be used by the `x/evm` keeper for bank operations. Two keepers are exposed by the module, `EvmBankKeeper` and the module `Keeper`. The main purpose of the `EvmBankKeeper` is to allow the usage of the `akava` balance on the EVM through an account's existing `ukava` balance. This is needed because the EVM gas token use 18 decimals, and since `ukava` has 6 decimals, it cannot be used as the EVM gas denom directly. The module `Keeper` provides access to an account's excess `akava` balance and the ability to update `akava` balances. This is needed by the `EvmBankKeeper` to store excess `akava` balances since the `ukava` token only has 6 decimals of precision.