name: Continuous Deployment (Internal Testnet) # run after every successful CI job of new commits to the master branch on: workflow_run: workflows: [Continuous Integration (Kava Master)] types: - completed jobs: # in order: # enter standby (prevents autoscaling group from killing node during deploy) # stop kava # take ebs + zfs snapshots # download updated binary and genesis # reset application database state (only done on internal testnet) reset-chain-to-zero-state: # only start cd pipeline if last ci run was successful if: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'success' }} uses: ./.github/workflows/cd-reset-internal-testnet.yml with: aws-region: us-east-1 chain-id: kava_2221-17000 ssm-document-name: kava-testnet-internal-node-update playbook-name: reset-internal-testnet-playbook.yml playbook-infrastructure-branch: master secrets: inherit # start kava with new binary and genesis state on api, peer and seed nodes, place nodes in service once they start and are synched to live start-chain-api: uses: ./.github/workflows/cd-start-chain.yml with: aws-region: us-east-1 chain-id: kava_2221-17000 ssm-document-name: kava-testnet-internal-node-update playbook-name: start-chain-api-playbook.yml playbook-infrastructure-branch: master secrets: inherit needs: [reset-chain-to-zero-state] # setup test and development accounts and balances, deploy contracts by calling the chain's api seed-chain-state: uses: ./.github/workflows/cd-seed-chain.yml with: chain-api-url: chain-id: kava_2221-17000 seed-script-filename: erc20-deployer-network-name: internal_testnet genesis_validator_addresses: "kavavaloper1xcgtffvv2yeqmgs3yz4gv29kgjrj8usxrnrlwp kavavaloper1w66m9hdzwgd6uc8g93zqkcumgwzrpcw958sh3s" kava_version_filepath: ./ci/env/kava-internal-testnet/KAVA.VERSION secrets: inherit needs: [start-chain-api] post-pipeline-metrics: uses: ./.github/workflows/metric-pipeline.yml if: always() # always run so we metric failures and successes with: aws-region: us-east-1 metric-name: kava.deploys.testnet.internal namespace: Kava/ContinuousDeployment secrets: inherit needs: [seed-chain-state]