package simulation import ( "math/rand" "" sdk "" authexported "" authtypes "" vestexported "" vestingtypes "" "" "" ) // RandomizedGenState generates a random GenesisState for validator-vesting func RandomizedGenState(simState *module.SimulationState) { var authGenState authtypes.GenesisState authSimState := simState.GenState[authtypes.ModuleName] simState.Cdc.MustUnmarshalJSON(authSimState, &authGenState) var newGenesisAccs authexported.GenesisAccounts for _, acc := range authGenState.Accounts { va, ok := acc.(vestexported.VestingAccount) if ok { // 50% of the time convert the vesting account if simState.Rand.Intn(100) < 50 { bacc := authtypes.NewBaseAccountWithAddress(va.GetAddress()) err := bacc.SetCoins(va.GetCoins()) if err != nil { panic(err) } duration := va.GetEndTime() - va.GetStartTime() vestingPeriods := getRandomVestingPeriods(duration, simState.Rand, va.GetCoins()) vestingCoins := getVestingCoins(vestingPeriods) bva, _ := vestingtypes.NewBaseVestingAccount(&bacc, vestingCoins, va.GetEndTime()) var gacc authexported.GenesisAccount if simState.Rand.Intn(100) < 50 { // convert to periodic vesting account 50% gacc = vestingtypes.NewPeriodicVestingAccountRaw(bva, va.GetStartTime(), vestingPeriods) err = gacc.Validate() if err != nil { panic(err) } } else { var val int if simState.NumBonded <= 1 { val = 0 } else { val = simulation.RandIntBetween(simState.Rand, 0, int(simState.NumBonded)-1) } consAdd := getRandomValidatorConsAddr(simState, val) // convert to validator vesting account 50% // set signing threshold to be anywhere between 1 and 100 gacc = types.NewValidatorVestingAccountRaw( bva, va.GetStartTime(), vestingPeriods, consAdd, nil, int64(simulation.RandIntBetween(simState.Rand, 1, 100)), ) err = gacc.Validate() if err != nil { panic(err) } } newGenesisAccs = append(newGenesisAccs, gacc) } else { newGenesisAccs = append(newGenesisAccs, acc) } } else { newGenesisAccs = append(newGenesisAccs, acc) } } newAuthGenesis := authtypes.NewGenesisState(authGenState.Params, newGenesisAccs) simState.GenState[authtypes.ModuleName] = simState.Cdc.MustMarshalJSON(newAuthGenesis) } func getRandomValidatorConsAddr(simState *module.SimulationState, rint int) sdk.ConsAddress { acc := simState.Accounts[rint] return sdk.ConsAddress(acc.PubKey.Address()) } func getRandomVestingPeriods(duration int64, r *rand.Rand, origCoins sdk.Coins) vestingtypes.Periods { maxPeriods := int64(50) if duration < maxPeriods { maxPeriods = duration } numPeriods := simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, int(maxPeriods)) lenPeriod := duration / int64(numPeriods) periodLengths := make([]int64, numPeriods) totalLength := int64(0) for i := 0; i < numPeriods; i++ { periodLengths[i] = lenPeriod totalLength += lenPeriod } if duration-totalLength != 0 { periodLengths[len(periodLengths)-1] += (duration - totalLength) } coinFraction := simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, 100) vestingCoins := sdk.NewCoins() for _, ic := range origCoins { amountVesting := ic.Amount.Int64() / int64(coinFraction) vestingCoins = vestingCoins.Add(sdk.NewInt64Coin(ic.Denom, amountVesting)) } periodCoins := sdk.NewCoins() for _, c := range vestingCoins { amountPeriod := c.Amount.Int64() / int64(numPeriods) periodCoins = periodCoins.Add(sdk.NewInt64Coin(c.Denom, amountPeriod)) } vestingPeriods := make([]vestingtypes.Period, numPeriods) for i := 0; i < numPeriods; i++ { vestingPeriods[i] = vestingtypes.Period{Length: int64(periodLengths[i]), Amount: periodCoins} } return vestingPeriods } func getVestingCoins(periods vestingtypes.Periods) sdk.Coins { vestingCoins := sdk.NewCoins() for _, p := range periods { vestingCoins = vestingCoins.Add(p.Amount...) } return vestingCoins }