# State ## Parameters and Genesis State `Parameters` define the governance parameters and default behavior of each money market. **Money markets should not be removed from params without careful procedures** as it will disable withdraws and liquidations. To deprecate a money market, the following steps should be observed: 1. Borrowing: prevent new borrows by setting param MoneyMarket.BorrowLimit.MaximumLimit to 0. 2. Interest: turn off interest accumulation by setting params MoneyMarket.InterestRateModel.BaseRateAPY and MoneyMarket.InterestRateModel.Kink to 0. 3. Rewards: turn off supply side and/or borrow side rewards by removing any coins in the relevant RewardsPerSecond param in the Incentive module. Without financial incentives, borrowers and suppliers will withdraw their funds from the money market over time. Once the balances have reached an acceptable level the money market can be deprecated and removed from params, with any additional lingering user funds reimbursed/reallocated as appropriate via a chain upgrade. ```go // Params governance parameters for hard module type Params struct { MoneyMarkets MoneyMarkets `json:"money_markets" yaml:"money_markets"` MinimumBorrowUSDValue sdk.Dec `json:"minimum_borrow_usd_value" yaml:"minimum_borrow_usd_value"` } // MoneyMarket is a money market for an individual asset type MoneyMarket struct { Denom string `json:"denom" yaml:"denom"` // the denomination of the token for this money market BorrowLimit BorrowLimit `json:"borrow_limit" yaml:"borrow_limit"` // the borrow limits, if any, applied to this money market SpotMarketID string `json:"spot_market_id" yaml:"spot_market_id"` // the pricefeed market where price data is fetched ConversionFactor sdk.Int `json:"conversion_factor" yaml:"conversion_factor"` //the internal conversion factor for going from the smallest unit of a token to a whole unit (ie. 8 for BTC, 6 for KAVA, 18 for ETH) InterestRateModel InterestRateModel `json:"interest_rate_model" yaml:"interest_rate_model"` // the model that determines the prevailing interest rate at each block ReserveFactor sdk.Dec `json:"reserve_factor" yaml:"reserve_factor"` // the percentage of interest that is accumulated by the protocol as reserves KeeperRewardPercentage sdk.Dec `json:"keeper_reward_percentage" yaml:"keeper_reward_percentages"` // the percentage of a liquidation that is given to the keeper that liquidated the position } // MoneyMarkets slice of MoneyMarket type MoneyMarkets []MoneyMarket // InterestRateModel contains information about an asset's interest rate type InterestRateModel struct { BaseRateAPY sdk.Dec `json:"base_rate_apy" yaml:"base_rate_apy"` // the base rate of APY when borrows are zero. Ex. A value of "0.02" would signify an interest rate of 2% APY as the Y-intercept of the interest rate model for the money market. Note that internally, interest rates are stored as per-second interest. BaseMultiplier sdk.Dec `json:"base_multiplier" yaml:"base_multiplier"` // the percentage rate at which the interest rate APY increases for each percentage increase in borrow utilization. Ex. A value of "0.01" signifies that the APY interest rate increases by 1% for each additional percentage increase in borrow utilization. Kink sdk.Dec `json:"kink" yaml:"kink"` // the inflection point at which the BaseMultiplier no longer applies and the JumpMultiplier does apply. For example, a value of "0.8" signifies that at 80% utilization, the JumpMultiplier applies JumpMultiplier sdk.Dec `json:"jump_multiplier" yaml:"jump_multiplier"` // same as BaseMultiplier, but only applied when utilization is above the Kink } // BorrowLimit enforces restrictions on a money market type BorrowLimit struct { HasMaxLimit bool `json:"has_max_limit" yaml:"has_max_limit"` // boolean for if the money market has a max amount that can be borrowed, irrespective of utilization. MaximumLimit sdk.Dec `json:"maximum_limit" yaml:"maximum_limit"` // the maximum amount that can be borrowed for this money market, irrespective of utilization. Ignored if HasMaxLimit is false LoanToValue sdk.Dec `json:"loan_to_value" yaml:"loan_to_value"` // the percentage amount of borrow power each unit of deposit accounts for. Ex. A value of "0.5" signifies that for $1 of supply of a particular asset, borrow limits will be increased by $0.5 } ``` `GenesisState` defines the state that must be persisted when the blockchain stops/restarts in order for normal function of the hard module to resume and all outstanding funds + interest to be accounted for. ```go // GenesisState is the state that must be provided at genesis. type GenesisState struct { Params Params `json:"params" yaml:"params"` // governance parameters PreviousAccumulationTimes GenesisAccumulationTimes `json:"previous_accumulation_times" yaml:"previous_accumulation_times"` // stores the last time interest was calculated for a particular money market Deposits Deposits `json:"deposits" yaml:"deposits"` // stores existing deposits when the chain starts, if any Borrows Borrows `json:"borrows" yaml:"borrows"` // stores existing borrows when the chain starts, if any TotalSupplied sdk.Coins `json:"total_supplied" yaml:"total_supplied"` // stores the running total of supplied (deposits + interest) coins when the chain starts, if any TotalBorrowed sdk.Coins `json:"total_borrowed" yaml:"total_borrowed"` // stores the running total of borrowed coins when the chain starts, if any TotalReserves sdk.Coins `json:"total_reserves" yaml:"total_reserves"` // stores the running total of reserves when the chain starts, if any } ```