# Changelog ## [Unreleased] [\#591](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/pull/591) Add a `raw-params` cli method to query raw parameter values for use in manual verification of gov proposals. [\#596](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/pull/596) Add REST client and CLI query to get module account information for the CDP module [\#590](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/pull/590) Add CLI query to return kavadist module account balance [\#584](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/pulls/584) Add REST client and CLI queries for `kavadist` module [\#578](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/pulls/578) Add v0.3 compatible REST client that supports ```plaintext /v0_3/node_info /v0_3/auth/accounts/
/v0_3/ /v0_3/txs /v0_3/staking/delegators/
/delegations /v0_3/staking/delegators/
/unbonding_delegations /v0_3/distribution/delegators/
/rewards ``` [\#598](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/pulls/598) CLI and REST queries for committee proposals (ie `kvcli q committee proposal 1`) now query the historical state to return the proposal object before it was deleted from state ## [v0.8.1](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/releases/tag/v0.8.1) kava-3 Patch Release This version mitigates a memory leak in tendermint that was found prior to launching kava-3. It is fully compatible with v0.8.0 and is intended to replace that version as the canonical software version for upgrading the Kava mainnet from kava-2 to kava-3. Note that there are no breaking changes between the versions, but a safety check was added to this version to prevent starting the node with an unsafe configuration. ### Bugfix The default tendermint pruning strategy, `pruning="syncable"` is currently unsafe due to a [memory leak](https://github.com/tendermint/iavl/issues/256) that can cause irrecoverable data loss. This patch release prevents `kvd` from being started with the `pruning="syncable"` configuration. Until a patch for tendermint is released, the ONLY pruning strategies that are safe to run are `everything` (an archival node) or `nothing` (only the most recent state is kept). It is strongly recommended that validators use `pruning="nothing"` for kava-3. It is expected that a patch to tendermint will be released in a non-breaking manner and that nodes will be able to update seamlessly after the launch of kava-3. The steps for upgrading to kava-3 can be found [here](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/blob/master/contrib/kava-3/migration.md). Please note the additional section on [pruning](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/blob/master/contrib/kava-3/migration.md#Pruning). ## [v0.8.0](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/releases/tag/v0.8.0) kava-3 Release This version is intended to be the canonical software version for upgrading the Kava mainnet from kava-2 to kava-3. As a result, no subsequent versions of Kava will be released until kava-3 launches unless necessary due to critical state-machine faults that require a new version to launch successfully. ### Migration The steps for upgrading to kava-3 can be found [here](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/blob/master/contrib/kava-3/migration.md) ### Features This is the first release that includes all the modules which comprise the [CDP system](https://docs.kava.io/). ### State Machine Breaking Changes (sdk) Update Cosmos-SDK version to v0.38.4. To review cosmos-sdk changes, see the [changelog](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.38.4/CHANGELOG.md). ## [v0.3.5](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/releases/tag/v0.3.5) Bump tendermint version to 0.32.10 to address [cosmos security advisory Lavender](https://forum.cosmos.network/t/cosmos-mainnet-security-advisory-lavender/3511) ## [v0.3.2](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/releases/tag/v0.3.2) [\#364](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/pulls/364) Use new BIP44 coin type in the CLI, retain support for the old one through a flag. ## [v0.3.1](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/releases/tag/v0.3.1) [\#266](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/pulls/266) Bump tendermint version to 0.32.7 to address cosmos security advisory [Periwinkle](https://forum.cosmos.network/t/cosmos-mainnet-security-advisory-periwinkle/2911) ## [v0.3.0](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/releases/tag/v0.3.0) ### Features [\#253](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/pulls/253) Add a new validator vesting account type, which releases coins on a periodic vesting schedule based on if a specific validator signed sufficient pre-commits. If the validator didn't sign enough pre-commits, the vesting coins are burned or sent to a return address. [\#260](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/pulls/260) Pin to cosmos-sdk commit #18de630 (tendermint 0.32.6) ### Improvements [\#257](https://github.com/Kava-Labs/kava/pulls/257) Include scripts to run large-scale simulations remotely using aws-batch