package main

import (


	abci ""
	dbm ""
	tmtypes ""

	sdk ""
	initPkg ""

// kvd custom flags
const flagInvCheckPeriod = "inv-check-period"

var invCheckPeriod uint

func main() {
	cdc := app.MakeCodec()

	config := sdk.GetConfig()

	ctx := server.NewDefaultContext()
	cobra.EnableCommandSorting = false
	rootCmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:               "kvd",
		Short:             "Kava Daemon (server)",
		PersistentPreRunE: server.PersistentPreRunEFn(ctx),

	rootCmd.AddCommand(initPkg.InitCmd(ctx, cdc))
	rootCmd.AddCommand(initPkg.CollectGenTxsCmd(ctx, cdc))
	rootCmd.AddCommand(initPkg.TestnetFilesCmd(ctx, cdc))
	rootCmd.AddCommand(initPkg.GenTxCmd(ctx, cdc))
	rootCmd.AddCommand(initPkg.AddGenesisAccountCmd(ctx, cdc))
	rootCmd.AddCommand(initPkg.ValidateGenesisCmd(ctx, cdc))
	rootCmd.AddCommand(client.NewCompletionCmd(rootCmd, true))

	server.AddCommands(ctx, cdc, rootCmd, newApp, exportAppStateAndTMValidators)

	// prepare and add flags
	executor := cli.PrepareBaseCmd(rootCmd, "GA", app.DefaultNodeHome)
	rootCmd.PersistentFlags().UintVar(&invCheckPeriod, flagInvCheckPeriod,
		0, "Assert registered invariants every N blocks")
	err := executor.Execute()
	if err != nil {
		// handle with #870

func newApp(logger log.Logger, db dbm.DB, traceStore io.Writer) abci.Application {
	return app.NewApp(
		logger, db, traceStore, true, invCheckPeriod,

func exportAppStateAndTMValidators(
	logger log.Logger, db dbm.DB, traceStore io.Writer, height int64, forZeroHeight bool, jailWhiteList []string,
) (json.RawMessage, []tmtypes.GenesisValidator, error) {

	if height != -1 {
		gApp := app.NewApp(logger, db, traceStore, false, uint(1))
		err := gApp.LoadHeight(height)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		return gApp.ExportAppStateAndValidators(forZeroHeight, jailWhiteList)
	gApp := app.NewApp(logger, db, traceStore, true, uint(1))
	return gApp.ExportAppStateAndValidators(forZeroHeight, jailWhiteList)