package rest_v0_3 import ( "fmt" "net/http" "strings" "" "" "" "" sdk "" "" "" authrest "" "" authexported "" "" vestingtypes "" disttypes "" stakingtypes "" "" v18de63auth "" v18de63supply "" v18de63sdk "" v032tendermint "" v032tendermintrpc "" valvesting "" v0_3valvesting "" ) func RegisterRoutes(cliCtx context.CLIContext, r *mux.Router) { s := r.PathPrefix("/v0_3").Subrouter() s.HandleFunc("/node_info", rpc.NodeInfoRequestHandlerFn(cliCtx)).Methods("GET") s.HandleFunc("/auth/accounts/{address}", QueryAccountRequestHandlerFn(cliCtx)).Methods("GET") s.HandleFunc("/txs/{hash}", QueryTxRequestHandlerFn(cliCtx)).Methods("GET") // r.HandleFunc("/txs", QueryTxsRequestHandlerFn(cliCtx)).Methods("GET") // TODO does trust wallet query txs? s.HandleFunc("/txs", authrest.BroadcastTxRequest(cliCtx)).Methods("POST") s.HandleFunc("/blocks/latest", LatestBlockRequestHandlerFn(cliCtx)).Methods("GET") // These endpoints are unchanged between cosmos v18de63 and v0.38.4, but can't import private methods so copy and pasting handler methods. // Get all delegations from a delegator s.HandleFunc( "/staking/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/delegations", delegatorDelegationsHandlerFn(cliCtx), ).Methods("GET") // Get all unbonding delegations from a delegator s.HandleFunc( "/staking/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/unbonding_delegations", delegatorUnbondingDelegationsHandlerFn(cliCtx), ).Methods("GET") // Get the total rewards balance from all delegations s.HandleFunc( "/distribution/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/rewards", delegatorRewardsHandlerFn(cliCtx, disttypes.ModuleName), ).Methods("GET") } // REST handler to get the latest block func LatestBlockRequestHandlerFn(cliCtx context.CLIContext) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { output, err := getBlock(cliCtx, nil) if err != nil { rest.WriteErrorResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()) return } rest.PostProcessResponseBare(w, cliCtx, output) } } func getBlock(cliCtx context.CLIContext, height *int64) ([]byte, error) { // get the node node, err := cliCtx.GetNode() if err != nil { return nil, err } res, err := node.Block(height) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Convert block to old type header := v032tendermint.Header{ Version: v032tendermint.Consensus{ Block: v032tendermint.Protocol(res.Block.Header.Version.Block), App: v032tendermint.Protocol(res.Block.Header.Version.App), }, ChainID: res.Block.Header.ChainID, Height: res.Block.Header.Height, Time: res.Block.Header.Time, NumTxs: 0, // trust wallet doesn't use this field TotalTxs: 0, // trust wallet doesn't use this field LastBlockID: res.Block.Header.LastBlockID, LastCommitHash: res.Block.Header.LastCommitHash, DataHash: res.Block.Header.DataHash, ValidatorsHash: res.Block.Header.ValidatorsHash, NextValidatorsHash: res.Block.Header.NextValidatorsHash, ConsensusHash: res.Block.Header.ConsensusHash, AppHash: res.Block.Header.AppHash, LastResultsHash: res.Block.Header.LastResultsHash, EvidenceHash: res.Block.Header.EvidenceHash, ProposerAddress: res.Block.Header.ProposerAddress, } block := v032tendermint.Block{ Header: header, Data: res.Block.Data, Evidence: res.Block.Evidence, LastCommit: nil, // trust wallet doesn't need to access commit info } blockMeta := v032tendermint.BlockMeta{ BlockID: res.BlockID, Header: header, } oldResponse := v032tendermintrpc.ResultBlock{ Block: &block, BlockMeta: &blockMeta, } return codec.Cdc.MarshalJSON(oldResponse) } // QueryAccountRequestHandlerFn handle auth/accounts queries // This function is identical to v0.8 except the queried account is cast to the v0.3 account type so it marshals in the old format. func QueryAccountRequestHandlerFn(cliCtx context.CLIContext) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { vars := mux.Vars(r) bech32addr := vars["address"] addr, err := sdk.AccAddressFromBech32(bech32addr) if err != nil { rest.WriteErrorResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()) return } cliCtx, ok := rest.ParseQueryHeightOrReturnBadRequest(w, cliCtx, r) if !ok { return } accGetter := types.NewAccountRetriever(cliCtx) account, height, err := accGetter.GetAccountWithHeight(addr) // convert v0.8 account type into old v0.3 account type so that it json marshals into the v0.3 format oldAccount := rollbackAccountType(account) // use old codec with old account interface registered cliCtx = cliCtx.WithCodec(makeCodecV03()) if err != nil { if err := accGetter.EnsureExists(addr); err != nil { cliCtx = cliCtx.WithHeight(height) rest.PostProcessResponse(w, cliCtx, v18de63auth.BaseAccount{}) return } rest.WriteErrorResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()) return } cliCtx = cliCtx.WithHeight(height) rest.PostProcessResponse(w, cliCtx, oldAccount) } } // QueryTxRequestHandlerFn implements a REST handler that queries a transaction // by hash in a committed block. func QueryTxRequestHandlerFn(cliCtx context.CLIContext) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { vars := mux.Vars(r) hashHexStr := vars["hash"] cliCtx, ok := rest.ParseQueryHeightOrReturnBadRequest(w, cliCtx, r) if !ok { return } output, err := utils.QueryTx(cliCtx, hashHexStr) if err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), hashHexStr) { rest.WriteErrorResponse(w, http.StatusNotFound, err.Error()) return } rest.WriteErrorResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()) return } // convert v0.8 TxResponse to a v0.3 Tx Response oldOutput := rollbackTxResponseType(output) if oldOutput.Empty() { rest.WriteErrorResponse(w, http.StatusNotFound, fmt.Sprintf("no transaction found with hash %s", hashHexStr)) } rest.PostProcessResponseBare(w, cliCtx, oldOutput) } } func rollbackTxResponseType(response sdk.TxResponse) v18de63sdk.TxResponse { events := sdk.StringEvents{} for _, msgLog := range response.Logs { events = append(events, msgLog.Events...) } return v18de63sdk.TxResponse{ Height: response.Height, TxHash: response.TxHash, Codespace: response.Codespace, Code: response.Code, Data: response.Data, RawLog: response.RawLog, Logs: nil, // trust wallet doesn't use logs, so leaving them out Info: response.Info, GasWanted: response.GasWanted, GasUsed: response.GasUsed, Tx: response.Tx, Timestamp: response.Timestamp, Events: events, } } func makeCodecV03() *codec.Codec { v0_3Codec := codec.New() codec.RegisterCrypto(v0_3Codec) v18de63auth.RegisterCodec(v0_3Codec) v18de63auth.RegisterCodecVesting(v0_3Codec) v18de63supply.RegisterCodec(v0_3Codec) v0_3valvesting.RegisterCodec(v0_3Codec) return v0_3Codec } func rollbackAccountType(newAccount authexported.Account) v18de63auth.Account { switch acc := newAccount.(type) { case *auth.BaseAccount: return v18de63auth.BaseAccount(*acc) case *vestingtypes.PeriodicVestingAccount: ba := v18de63auth.BaseAccount(*(acc.BaseVestingAccount.BaseAccount)) bva := v18de63auth.BaseVestingAccount{ BaseAccount: &ba, OriginalVesting: acc.BaseVestingAccount.OriginalVesting, DelegatedFree: acc.BaseVestingAccount.DelegatedFree, DelegatedVesting: acc.BaseVestingAccount.DelegatedVesting, EndTime: acc.BaseVestingAccount.EndTime, } var newPeriods v18de63auth.Periods for _, p := range acc.VestingPeriods { newPeriods = append(newPeriods, v18de63auth.Period(p)) } pva := v18de63auth.PeriodicVestingAccount{ BaseVestingAccount: &bva, StartTime: acc.StartTime, VestingPeriods: newPeriods, } return pva case *valvesting.ValidatorVestingAccount: ba := v18de63auth.BaseAccount(*(acc.PeriodicVestingAccount.BaseVestingAccount.BaseAccount)) bva := v18de63auth.BaseVestingAccount{ BaseAccount: &ba, OriginalVesting: acc.PeriodicVestingAccount.BaseVestingAccount.OriginalVesting, DelegatedFree: acc.PeriodicVestingAccount.BaseVestingAccount.DelegatedFree, DelegatedVesting: acc.PeriodicVestingAccount.BaseVestingAccount.DelegatedVesting, EndTime: acc.PeriodicVestingAccount.BaseVestingAccount.EndTime, } var newPeriods v18de63auth.Periods for _, p := range acc.PeriodicVestingAccount.VestingPeriods { newPeriods = append(newPeriods, v18de63auth.Period(p)) } pva := v18de63auth.PeriodicVestingAccount{ BaseVestingAccount: &bva, StartTime: acc.PeriodicVestingAccount.StartTime, VestingPeriods: newPeriods, } var newVestingProgress []v0_3valvesting.VestingProgress for _, p := range acc.VestingPeriodProgress { newVestingProgress = append(newVestingProgress, v0_3valvesting.VestingProgress(p)) } vva := v0_3valvesting.ValidatorVestingAccount{ PeriodicVestingAccount: &pva, ValidatorAddress: acc.ValidatorAddress, ReturnAddress: acc.ReturnAddress, SigningThreshold: acc.SigningThreshold, CurrentPeriodProgress: v0_3valvesting.CurrentPeriodProgress(acc.CurrentPeriodProgress), VestingPeriodProgress: newVestingProgress, DebtAfterFailedVesting: acc.DebtAfterFailedVesting, } return vva case supply.ModuleAccount: ba := v18de63auth.BaseAccount(*(acc.BaseAccount)) ma := v18de63supply.ModuleAccount{ BaseAccount: &ba, Name: acc.Name, Permissions: acc.Permissions, } return ma case nil: return acc default: panic(fmt.Errorf("unrecognized account type %+v", acc)) } } // staking handler funcs // HTTP request handler to query a delegator delegations func delegatorDelegationsHandlerFn(cliCtx context.CLIContext) http.HandlerFunc { return queryDelegator(cliCtx, fmt.Sprintf("custom/%s/%s", stakingtypes.QuerierRoute, stakingtypes.QueryDelegatorDelegations)) } // HTTP request handler to query a delegator unbonding delegations func delegatorUnbondingDelegationsHandlerFn(cliCtx context.CLIContext) http.HandlerFunc { return queryDelegator(cliCtx, "custom/staking/delegatorUnbondingDelegations") } func queryDelegator(cliCtx context.CLIContext, endpoint string) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { vars := mux.Vars(r) bech32delegator := vars["delegatorAddr"] delegatorAddr, err := sdk.AccAddressFromBech32(bech32delegator) if err != nil { rest.WriteErrorResponse(w, http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()) return } cliCtx, ok := rest.ParseQueryHeightOrReturnBadRequest(w, cliCtx, r) if !ok { return } params := stakingtypes.NewQueryDelegatorParams(delegatorAddr) bz, err := cliCtx.Codec.MarshalJSON(params) if err != nil { rest.WriteErrorResponse(w, http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()) return } res, height, err := cliCtx.QueryWithData(endpoint, bz) if err != nil { rest.WriteErrorResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()) return } cliCtx = cliCtx.WithHeight(height) rest.PostProcessResponse(w, cliCtx, res) } } // distribution handler funcs // HTTP request handler to query the total rewards balance from all delegations func delegatorRewardsHandlerFn(cliCtx context.CLIContext, queryRoute string) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { cliCtx, ok := rest.ParseQueryHeightOrReturnBadRequest(w, cliCtx, r) if !ok { return } delegatorAddr, ok := checkDelegatorAddressVar(w, r) if !ok { return } params := disttypes.NewQueryDelegatorParams(delegatorAddr) bz, err := cliCtx.Codec.MarshalJSON(params) if err != nil { rest.WriteErrorResponse(w, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("failed to marshal params: %s", err)) return } route := fmt.Sprintf("custom/%s/%s", queryRoute, disttypes.QueryDelegatorTotalRewards) res, height, err := cliCtx.QueryWithData(route, bz) if err != nil { rest.WriteErrorResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()) return } cliCtx = cliCtx.WithHeight(height) rest.PostProcessResponse(w, cliCtx, res) } } func checkDelegatorAddressVar(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (sdk.AccAddress, bool) { addr, err := sdk.AccAddressFromBech32(mux.Vars(r)["delegatorAddr"]) if err != nil { rest.WriteErrorResponse(w, http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()) return nil, false } return addr, true }