order: 5

# Events

The cdp module emits the following events:

## Handlers

### MsgCreateCDP

| Type        | Attribute Key | Attribute Value    |
| message     | module        | cdp                |
| message     | sender        | `{sender address}' |
| create_cdp  | cdp_id        | `{cdp id}'         |
| cdp_deposit | cdp_id        | `{cdp id}'         |
| cdp_deposit | amount        | `{deposit amount}' |
| cdp_draw    | cdp_id        | `{cdp id}'         |
| cdp_draw    | amount        | `{draw amount}'    |

### MsgWithdraw

| Type    | Attribute Key  | Attribute Value       |
|---------|--------------- |-----------------------|
| message | cdp_withdrawal | `{collateral amount}' |
| message | cdp_id         | `{cdp_id}'            |
| message | module         | cdp                   |
| message | sender         | `{sender address}'    |

### MsgDeposit

| Type        | Attribute Key | Attribute Value    |
| message     | module        | cdp                |
| message     | sender        | `{sender address}' |
| cdp_deposit | cdp_id        | `{cdp id}'         |
| cdp_deposit | amount        | `{deposit amount}' |

### MsgDrawDebt

| Type     | Attribute Key | Attribute Value    |
| message  | module        | cdp                |
| message  | sender        | `{sender address}' |
| cdp_draw | cdp_id        | `{cdp id}'         |
| cdp_draw | amount        | `{draw amount}'    |

### MsgRepayDebt

| Type          | Attribute Key | Attribute Value      |
| cdp_repayment | amount        | `{repayment amount}' |
| cdp_repayment | cdp_id        | `{cdp id}'           |
| cdp_close     | cdp_id        | `{cdp id}'           |
| message       | module        | cdp                  |
| message       | sender        | `{sender address}'   |

## BeginBlock

| Type                    | Attribute Key | Attribute Value     |
| cdp_liquidation         | module        | cdp                 |
| cdp_liquidation         | cdp_id        | `{cdp id}'          |
| cdp_liquidation         | deposit       | `{deposit}'         |
| cdp_begin_blocker_error | module        | cdp                 |
| cdp_begin_blocker_error | error_message | `{error}'           |