#!/bin/bash # This requires AWS access keys envs to be set (ie AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) # These need to be generated from the AWS console. # For commands passed to the docker container, the working directory is /root/kava (which is the blockchain git repo). # Parse Input Args # get simulation type simType=$1 # get seed startingSeed=$2 # compute the seed from the starting and the job index # add two nums together, hence the $(()), and use 0 as the default value for array index, hence the ${:-} syntax seed=$(($startingSeed+${AWS_BATCH_JOB_ARRAY_INDEX:-0})) # get sim parameters numBlocks=$3 blockSize=$4 # Run The Sim # record cli arguments in the log file (in json in case we need to parse this) and stdout (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/418896/how-to-redirect-output-to-a-file-and-stdout) printf "{\"simType\": \"%s\", \"startingSeed\": %s, \"seed\": %s, \"numBlocks\": %s, \"blockSize\": %s}\n" $simType $startingSeed $seed $numBlocks $blockSize | tee out.log # run sim and redirect stdout and stderr to a file) go test ./app -run $simType -Enabled=true -NumBlocks=$numBlocks -BlockSize=$blockSize -Commit=true -Period=5 -Seed=$seed -v -timeout 24h >> out.log 2>&1 # get the exit code to determine how to upload results simExitStatus=$? if [ $simExitStatus -eq 0 ];then echo "simulation passed" simResult="pass" else echo "simulation failed" simResult="fail" fi # Upload Sim Results To S3 # read in the job id, using a default value if not set jobID=${AWS_BATCH_JOB_ID:-"testJobID:"} # job id format is "job-id:array-job-index", this removes trailing colon (and array index if present) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3045493/parse-string-with-bash-and-extract-number jobID=$(echo $jobID | sed 's/\(.*\):\d*/\1/') # create the filename from the array job index (which won't be set if this is a normal job) fileName=$(printf "out%05d.log" $AWS_BATCH_JOB_ARRAY_INDEX) aws s3 cp out.log s3://simulations-1/$SIM_NAME$jobID/$simResult/$fileName