package testutil import ( "fmt" "reflect" sdkmath "" abci "" tmproto "" tmtime "" "" sdk "" authtypes "" vestingtypes "" bankkeeper "" banktypes "" stakingkeeper "" stakingtypes "" "" "" earnkeeper "" earntypes "" "" savingstypes "" ) // Test suite used for all keeper tests type Suite struct { suite.Suite App app.TestApp Ctx sdk.Context Keeper keeper.Keeper BankKeeper bankkeeper.Keeper StakingKeeper *stakingkeeper.Keeper EarnKeeper earnkeeper.Keeper } // The default state used by each test func (suite *Suite) SetupTest() { tApp := app.NewTestApp() ctx := tApp.NewContext(true, tmproto.Header{Height: 1, Time: tmtime.Now()}) tApp.InitializeFromGenesisStates() suite.App = tApp suite.Ctx = ctx suite.Keeper = tApp.GetRouterKeeper() suite.StakingKeeper = tApp.GetStakingKeeper() suite.BankKeeper = tApp.GetBankKeeper() suite.EarnKeeper = tApp.GetEarnKeeper() } // CreateAccount creates a new account from the provided balance and address func (suite *Suite) CreateAccountWithAddress(addr sdk.AccAddress, initialBalance sdk.Coins) authtypes.AccountI { ak := suite.App.GetAccountKeeper() acc := ak.NewAccountWithAddress(suite.Ctx, addr) ak.SetAccount(suite.Ctx, acc) err := suite.App.FundAccount(suite.Ctx, acc.GetAddress(), initialBalance) suite.Require().NoError(err) return acc } // CreateVestingAccount creates a new vesting account. `vestingBalance` should be a fraction of `initialBalance`. func (suite *Suite) CreateVestingAccountWithAddress(addr sdk.AccAddress, initialBalance sdk.Coins, vestingBalance sdk.Coins) authtypes.AccountI { if vestingBalance.IsAnyGT(initialBalance) { panic("vesting balance must be less than initial balance") } acc := suite.CreateAccountWithAddress(addr, initialBalance) bacc := acc.(*authtypes.BaseAccount) periods := vestingtypes.Periods{ vestingtypes.Period{ Length: 31556952, Amount: vestingBalance, }, } vacc := vestingtypes.NewPeriodicVestingAccount(bacc, vestingBalance, suite.Ctx.BlockTime().Unix(), periods) suite.App.GetAccountKeeper().SetAccount(suite.Ctx, vacc) return vacc } // AddCoinsToModule adds coins to the a module account, creating it if it doesn't exist. func (suite *Suite) AddCoinsToModule(module string, amount sdk.Coins) { err := suite.App.FundModuleAccount(suite.Ctx, module, amount) suite.Require().NoError(err) } // AccountBalanceEqual checks if an account has the specified coins. func (suite *Suite) AccountBalanceEqual(addr sdk.AccAddress, coins sdk.Coins) { balance := suite.BankKeeper.GetAllBalances(suite.Ctx, addr) suite.Equalf(coins, balance, "expected account balance to equal coins %s, but got %s", coins, balance) } // AccountBalanceOfEqual checks if an account has the specified amount of one denom. func (suite *Suite) AccountBalanceOfEqual(addr sdk.AccAddress, denom string, amount sdkmath.Int) { balance := suite.BankKeeper.GetBalance(suite.Ctx, addr, denom).Amount suite.Equalf(amount, balance, "expected account balance to have %[1]s%[2]s, but got %[3]s%[2]s", amount, denom, balance) } // AccountSpendableBalanceEqual checks if an account has the specified coins unlocked. func (suite *Suite) AccountSpendableBalanceEqual(addr sdk.AccAddress, amount sdk.Coins) { balance := suite.BankKeeper.SpendableCoins(suite.Ctx, addr) expectedAmt := amount if expectedAmt == nil { expectedAmt = sdk.NewCoins() } suite.Equalf(expectedAmt, balance, "expected account spendable balance to equal coins %s, but got %s", amount, balance) } func (suite *Suite) QueryBank_SpendableBalance(user sdk.AccAddress) sdk.Coins { res, err := suite.BankKeeper.SpendableBalances( sdk.WrapSDKContext(suite.Ctx), &banktypes.QuerySpendableBalancesRequest{ Address: user.String(), }, ) suite.Require().NoError(err) return *&res.Balances } func (suite *Suite) deliverMsgCreateValidator(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.ValAddress, selfDelegation sdk.Coin) error { msg, err := stakingtypes.NewMsgCreateValidator( address, ed25519.GenPrivKey().PubKey(), selfDelegation, stakingtypes.Description{}, stakingtypes.NewCommissionRates(sdk.ZeroDec(), sdk.ZeroDec(), sdk.ZeroDec()), sdkmath.NewInt(1e6), ) if err != nil { return err } msgServer := stakingkeeper.NewMsgServerImpl(suite.StakingKeeper) _, err = msgServer.CreateValidator(sdk.WrapSDKContext(suite.Ctx), msg) return err } // NewBondCoin creates a Coin with the current staking denom. func (suite *Suite) NewBondCoin(amount sdkmath.Int) sdk.Coin { stakingDenom := suite.StakingKeeper.BondDenom(suite.Ctx) return sdk.NewCoin(stakingDenom, amount) } // NewBondCoins creates Coins with the current staking denom. func (suite *Suite) NewBondCoins(amount sdkmath.Int) sdk.Coins { return sdk.NewCoins(suite.NewBondCoin(amount)) } // CreateNewUnbondedValidator creates a new validator in the staking module. // New validators are unbonded until the end blocker is run. func (suite *Suite) CreateNewUnbondedValidator(addr sdk.ValAddress, selfDelegation sdkmath.Int) stakingtypes.Validator { // Create a validator err := suite.deliverMsgCreateValidator(suite.Ctx, addr, suite.NewBondCoin(selfDelegation)) suite.Require().NoError(err) // New validators are created in an unbonded state. Note if the end blocker is run later this validator could become bonded. validator, found := suite.StakingKeeper.GetValidator(suite.Ctx, addr) suite.Require().True(found) return validator } // SlashValidator burns tokens staked in a validator. new_tokens = old_tokens * (1-slashFraction) func (suite *Suite) SlashValidator(addr sdk.ValAddress, slashFraction sdk.Dec) { validator, found := suite.StakingKeeper.GetValidator(suite.Ctx, addr) suite.Require().True(found) consAddr, err := validator.GetConsAddr() suite.Require().NoError(err) // Assume infraction was at current height. Note unbonding delegations and redelegations are only slashed if created after // the infraction height so none will be slashed. infractionHeight := suite.Ctx.BlockHeight() power := suite.StakingKeeper.TokensToConsensusPower(suite.Ctx, validator.GetTokens()) suite.StakingKeeper.Slash(suite.Ctx, consAddr, infractionHeight, power, slashFraction) } // CreateDelegation delegates tokens to a validator. func (suite *Suite) CreateDelegation(valAddr sdk.ValAddress, delegator sdk.AccAddress, amount sdkmath.Int) sdk.Dec { stakingDenom := suite.StakingKeeper.BondDenom(suite.Ctx) msg := stakingtypes.NewMsgDelegate( delegator, valAddr, sdk.NewCoin(stakingDenom, amount), ) msgServer := stakingkeeper.NewMsgServerImpl(suite.StakingKeeper) _, err := msgServer.Delegate(sdk.WrapSDKContext(suite.Ctx), msg) suite.Require().NoError(err) del, found := suite.StakingKeeper.GetDelegation(suite.Ctx, delegator, valAddr) suite.Require().True(found) return del.Shares } // DelegationSharesEqual checks if a delegation has the specified shares. // It expects delegations with zero shares to not be stored in state. func (suite *Suite) DelegationSharesEqual(valAddr sdk.ValAddress, delegator sdk.AccAddress, shares sdk.Dec) bool { del, found := suite.StakingKeeper.GetDelegation(suite.Ctx, delegator, valAddr) if shares.IsZero() { return suite.Falsef(found, "expected delegator to not be found, got %s shares", del.Shares) } else { res := suite.True(found, "expected delegator to be found") return res && suite.Truef(shares.Equal(del.Shares), "expected %s delegator shares but got %s", shares, del.Shares) } } // DelegationBalanceLessThan checks if a delegation's staked token balance is less the specified amount. // It treats not found delegations as having zero shares. func (suite *Suite) DelegationBalanceLessThan(valAddr sdk.ValAddress, delegator sdk.AccAddress, max sdkmath.Int) bool { shares := sdk.ZeroDec() del, found := suite.StakingKeeper.GetDelegation(suite.Ctx, delegator, valAddr) if found { shares = del.Shares } val, found := suite.StakingKeeper.GetValidator(suite.Ctx, valAddr) suite.Require().Truef(found, "expected validator to be found") tokens := val.TokensFromShares(shares).TruncateInt() return suite.Truef(tokens.LT(max), "expected delegation balance to be less than %s, got %s", max, tokens) } // DelegationBalanceInDeltaBelow checks if a delegation's staked token balance is between `expected` and `expected - delta` inclusive. // It treats not found delegations as having zero shares. func (suite *Suite) DelegationBalanceInDeltaBelow(valAddr sdk.ValAddress, delegator sdk.AccAddress, expected, delta sdkmath.Int) bool { shares := sdk.ZeroDec() del, found := suite.StakingKeeper.GetDelegation(suite.Ctx, delegator, valAddr) if found { shares = del.Shares } val, found := suite.StakingKeeper.GetValidator(suite.Ctx, valAddr) suite.Require().Truef(found, "expected validator to be found") tokens := val.TokensFromShares(shares).TruncateInt() lte := suite.Truef(tokens.LTE(expected), "expected delegation balance to be less than or equal to %s, got %s", expected, tokens) gte := suite.Truef(tokens.GTE(expected.Sub(delta)), "expected delegation balance to be greater than or equal to %s, got %s", expected.Sub(delta), tokens) return lte && gte } // UnbondingDelegationInDeltaBelow checks if the total balance in an unbonding delegation is between `expected` and `expected - delta` inclusive. func (suite *Suite) UnbondingDelegationInDeltaBelow(valAddr sdk.ValAddress, delegator sdk.AccAddress, expected, delta sdkmath.Int) bool { tokens := sdk.ZeroInt() ubd, found := suite.StakingKeeper.GetUnbondingDelegation(suite.Ctx, delegator, valAddr) if found { for _, entry := range ubd.Entries { tokens = tokens.Add(entry.Balance) } } lte := suite.Truef(tokens.LTE(expected), "expected unbonding delegation balance to be less than or equal to %s, got %s", expected, tokens) gte := suite.Truef(tokens.GTE(expected.Sub(delta)), "expected unbonding delegation balance to be greater than or equal to %s, got %s", expected.Sub(delta), tokens) return lte && gte } func (suite *Suite) QueryStaking_Delegation(valAddr sdk.ValAddress, delegator sdk.AccAddress) stakingtypes.DelegationResponse { stakingQuery := stakingkeeper.Querier{Keeper: suite.StakingKeeper} res, err := stakingQuery.Delegation( sdk.WrapSDKContext(suite.Ctx), &stakingtypes.QueryDelegationRequest{ DelegatorAddr: delegator.String(), ValidatorAddr: valAddr.String(), }, ) suite.Require().NoError(err) return *res.DelegationResponse } // EventsContains asserts that the expected event is in the provided events func (suite *Suite) EventsContains(events sdk.Events, expectedEvent sdk.Event) { foundMatch := false for _, event := range events { if event.Type == expectedEvent.Type { if reflect.DeepEqual(attrsToMap(expectedEvent.Attributes), attrsToMap(event.Attributes)) { foundMatch = true } } } suite.True(foundMatch, fmt.Sprintf("event of type %s not found or did not match", expectedEvent.Type)) } func attrsToMap(attrs []abci.EventAttribute) []sdk.Attribute { out := []sdk.Attribute{} for _, attr := range attrs { out = append(out, sdk.NewAttribute(string(attr.Key), string(attr.Value))) } return out } // CreateVault adds a new earn vault to the earn keeper parameters func (suite *Suite) CreateVault( vaultDenom string, vaultStrategies earntypes.StrategyTypes, isPrivateVault bool, allowedDepositors []sdk.AccAddress, ) { vault := earntypes.NewAllowedVault(vaultDenom, vaultStrategies, isPrivateVault, allowedDepositors) allowedVaults := suite.EarnKeeper.GetAllowedVaults(suite.Ctx) allowedVaults = append(allowedVaults, vault) params := earntypes.NewParams(allowedVaults) suite.EarnKeeper.SetParams( suite.Ctx, params, ) } // SetSavingsSupportedDenoms overwrites the list of supported denoms in the savings module params. func (suite *Suite) SetSavingsSupportedDenoms(denoms []string) { sk := suite.App.GetSavingsKeeper() sk.SetParams(suite.Ctx, savingstypes.NewParams(denoms)) } // VaultAccountValueEqual asserts that the vault account value matches the provided coin amount. func (suite *Suite) VaultAccountValueEqual(acc sdk.AccAddress, coin sdk.Coin) { accVaultBal, err := suite.EarnKeeper.GetVaultAccountValue(suite.Ctx, coin.Denom, acc) suite.Require().NoError(err) suite.Require().Truef( coin.Equal(accVaultBal), "expected account vault balance to equal %s, but got %s", coin, accVaultBal, ) } // VaultAccountSharesEqual asserts that the vault account shares match the provided values. func (suite *Suite) VaultAccountSharesEqual(acc sdk.AccAddress, shares earntypes.VaultShares) { // TODO accVaultShares, found := suite.EarnKeeper.GetVaultAccountShares(suite.Ctx, acc) if !found { suite.Empty(shares) } else { suite.Equal(shares, accVaultShares) } } func (suite *Suite) QueryEarn_VaultValue(depositor sdk.AccAddress, vaultDenom string) earntypes.DepositResponse { earnQuery := earnkeeper.NewQueryServerImpl(suite.EarnKeeper) res, err := earnQuery.Deposits( sdk.WrapSDKContext(suite.Ctx), &earntypes.QueryDepositsRequest{ Depositor: depositor.String(), Denom: vaultDenom, }, ) suite.Require().NoError(err) suite.Require().Equalf(1, len(res.Deposits), "while earn supports one vault per denom, deposits response should be length 1") return res.Deposits[0] }