package keeper_test import ( "math/big" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" ) type ERC20TestSuite struct { testutil.Suite contractAddr types.InternalEVMAddress } func TestERC20TestSuite(t *testing.T) { suite.Run(t, new(ERC20TestSuite)) } func (suite *ERC20TestSuite) SetupTest() { suite.Suite.SetupTest() suite.contractAddr = suite.DeployERC20() } func (suite *ERC20TestSuite) TestERC20QueryBalanceOf_Empty() { bal, err := suite.Keeper.QueryERC20BalanceOf( suite.Ctx, suite.contractAddr, suite.Key1Addr, ) suite.Require().NoError(err) suite.Require().True(bal.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0, "balance should be 0") } func (suite *ERC20TestSuite) TestERC20QueryBalanceOf_NonEmpty() { // Mint some tokens for the address err := suite.Keeper.MintERC20( suite.Ctx, suite.contractAddr, suite.Key1Addr, big.NewInt(10), ) suite.Require().NoError(err) bal, err := suite.Keeper.QueryERC20BalanceOf( suite.Ctx, suite.contractAddr, suite.Key1Addr, ) suite.Require().NoError(err) suite.Require().Equal(big.NewInt(10), bal, "balance should be 10") } func (suite *ERC20TestSuite) TestERC20Mint() { contractAddr := suite.DeployERC20() // We can't test mint by module account like the Unauthorized test as we // cannot sign as the module account. Instead, we test the keeper method for // minting. receiver := common.BytesToAddress(suite.Key2.PubKey().Address()) amount := big.NewInt(1234) err := suite.App.GetEvmutilKeeper().MintERC20(suite.Ctx, contractAddr, types.NewInternalEVMAddress(receiver), amount) suite.Require().NoError(err) // Query ERC20.balanceOf() addr := common.BytesToAddress(suite.Key1.PubKey().Address()) res, err := suite.QueryContract( types.ERC20MintableBurnableContract.ABI, addr, suite.Key1, contractAddr, "balanceOf", receiver, ) suite.Require().NoError(err) suite.Require().Len(res, 1) balance, ok := res[0].(*big.Int) suite.Require().True(ok, "balanceOf should respond with *big.Int") suite.Require().Equal(big.NewInt(1234), balance) } func (suite *ERC20TestSuite) TestQueryERC20TotalSupply() { suite.Run("with no balance", func() { bal, err := suite.Keeper.QueryERC20TotalSupply(suite.Ctx, suite.contractAddr) suite.NoError(err) suite.BigIntsEqual(big.NewInt(0), bal, "expected total supply of 0") }) suite.Run("with balance", func() { amount := big.NewInt(1e10) expectedTotal := big.NewInt(3e10) // mint 1e10 to three random accounts suite.NoError(suite.Keeper.MintERC20(suite.Ctx, suite.contractAddr, testutil.RandomInternalEVMAddress(), amount)) suite.NoError(suite.Keeper.MintERC20(suite.Ctx, suite.contractAddr, testutil.RandomInternalEVMAddress(), amount)) suite.NoError(suite.Keeper.MintERC20(suite.Ctx, suite.contractAddr, testutil.RandomInternalEVMAddress(), amount)) bal, err := suite.Keeper.QueryERC20TotalSupply(suite.Ctx, suite.contractAddr) suite.NoError(err) suite.BigIntsEqual(expectedTotal, bal, "unexpected total supply after minting") }) } func (suite *ERC20TestSuite) TestDeployZgChainWrappedCosmosCoinERC20Contract() { suite.Run("fails to deploy invalid contract", func() { // empty other fields means this token is invalid. invalidToken := types.AllowedCosmosCoinERC20Token{CosmosDenom: "nope"} _, err := suite.Keeper.DeployZgChainWrappedCosmosCoinERC20Contract(suite.Ctx, invalidToken) suite.ErrorContains(err, "token's name cannot be empty") }) suite.Run("deploys contract with expected metadata & permissions", func() { caller, privKey := testutil.RandomEvmAccount() token := types.NewAllowedCosmosCoinERC20Token("hard", "EVM HARD", "HARD", 6) addr, err := suite.Keeper.DeployZgChainWrappedCosmosCoinERC20Contract(suite.Ctx, token) suite.NoError(err) suite.NotNil(addr) callContract := func(method string, args ...interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) { return suite.QueryContract( types.ERC20ZgChainWrappedCosmosCoinContract.ABI, caller, privKey, addr, method, args..., ) } // owner must be the evmutil module account data, err := callContract("owner") suite.NoError(err) suite.Len(data, 1) suite.Equal(types.ModuleEVMAddress, data[0].(common.Address)) // get name data, err = callContract("name") suite.NoError(err) suite.Len(data, 1) suite.Equal(token.Name, data[0].(string)) // get symbol data, err = callContract("symbol") suite.NoError(err) suite.Len(data, 1) suite.Equal(token.Symbol, data[0].(string)) // get decimals data, err = callContract("decimals") suite.NoError(err) suite.Len(data, 1) suite.Equal(token.Decimals, uint32(data[0].(uint8))) // should not be able to call mint _, err = callContract("mint", caller, big.NewInt(1)) suite.ErrorContains(err, "Ownable: caller is not the owner") // should not be able to call burn _, err = callContract("burn", caller, big.NewInt(1)) suite.ErrorContains(err, "Ownable: caller is not the owner") }) } func (suite *ERC20TestSuite) TestGetOrDeployCosmosCoinERC20Contract() { suite.Run("finds existing contract address", func() { suite.SetupTest() denom := "magic" addr := types.BytesToInternalEVMAddress(app.RandomAddress().Bytes()) // pretend like we've registered a contract in a previous life err := suite.Keeper.SetDeployedCosmosCoinContract(suite.Ctx, denom, addr) suite.NoError(err) // expect it to find the registered address tokenInfo := types.AllowedCosmosCoinERC20Token{CosmosDenom: denom} contractAddress, err := suite.Keeper.GetOrDeployCosmosCoinERC20Contract(suite.Ctx, tokenInfo) suite.NoError(err) suite.Equal(addr, contractAddress) // expect it to still be registered contractAddress, found := suite.Keeper.GetDeployedCosmosCoinContract(suite.Ctx, denom) suite.True(found) suite.Equal(addr, contractAddress) }) suite.Run("deploys & registers contract when one does not exist", func() { suite.SetupTest() denom := "magic" tokenInfo := types.NewAllowedCosmosCoinERC20Token(denom, "Magic Coin", "MAGIC", 6) // expect it to not be registered _, found := suite.Keeper.GetDeployedCosmosCoinContract(suite.Ctx, denom) suite.False(found) // deploy the contract contractAddress, err := suite.Keeper.GetOrDeployCosmosCoinERC20Contract(suite.Ctx, tokenInfo) suite.NoError(err) // expect it to be registered now registeredAddress, found := suite.Keeper.GetDeployedCosmosCoinContract(suite.Ctx, denom) suite.True(found) suite.False(registeredAddress.IsNil()) suite.Equal(contractAddress, registeredAddress) }) // this can only happen if governance passes a bad allowed token suite.Run("fails when token can't be deployed", func() { suite.SetupTest() denom := "nope" // empty other fields means this token is invalid. invalidToken := types.AllowedCosmosCoinERC20Token{CosmosDenom: denom} // expect it to not be registered _, found := suite.Keeper.GetDeployedCosmosCoinContract(suite.Ctx, denom) suite.False(found) // attempt to deploy the contract contractAddress, err := suite.Keeper.GetOrDeployCosmosCoinERC20Contract(suite.Ctx, invalidToken) suite.ErrorContains(err, "failed to deploy erc20") suite.True(contractAddress.IsNil()) // still expect it to not be registered _, found = suite.Keeper.GetDeployedCosmosCoinContract(suite.Ctx, denom) suite.False(found) }) }