/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// IF YOU FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS ALL THE TESTS SHOULD PASS THE FIRST TIME /////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Instructions on how to run the `dredd` tests (Prerequisite) Make sure that you have the latest versions of `node` and `npm` and `npx` installed. Then install `dredd` globally using the following command folder: `npm install dredd --global` (Running tests) Run `make test_dredd` from the `kava` directory. This builds the `test.go` file, creates the genesis state for the blockchain, starts the blockchain, starts the rest server, sends the required transactions to the blockchain, runs all the `dredd` tests, shuts down the blockchain, cleans up, and propagates up an error code if the tests do not all pass. **IMPORTANT** - It takes about 3 minutes for the script to run and complete: **When you run the script 62 tests should pass and zero should fail** (Shutdown) If the script fails or you stop it midway using `ctrl-c` then you should manually stop the blockchain and rest server using the following script. If you let it complete it will automatically shut down the blockchain, rest server and clean up. `./stopchain.sh` **DEBUGGING NOTE**: If you start getting `Validator set is different` errors then you need to try starting the chain from scratch (do NOT just use `unsafe-reset-all`, instead use `./stopchain.sh` and then `./run_all_tests.sh`)