package operations import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "" sdk "" "" authexported "" "" "" "" ) // SimulateMsgCdp generates a MsgCreateCdp or MsgDepositCdp with random values. func SimulateMsgCdp(ak auth.AccountKeeper, k cdp.Keeper, pfk pricefeed.Keeper) simulation.Operation { return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, accs []simulation.Account) ( opMsg simulation.OperationMsg, fOps []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) { handler := cdp.NewHandler(k) simacc := simulation.RandomAcc(r, accs) acc := ak.GetAccount(ctx, simacc.Address) if acc == nil { return simulation.NoOpMsg(cdp.ModuleName), nil, nil } coins := acc.GetCoins() collateralParams := k.GetParams(ctx).CollateralParams if len(collateralParams) == 0 { return simulation.NoOpMsg(cdp.ModuleName), nil, nil } randCollateralParam := collateralParams[r.Intn(len(collateralParams))] randDebtAsset := randCollateralParam.DebtLimit[r.Intn(len(randCollateralParam.DebtLimit))] randDebtParam, _ := k.GetDebtParam(ctx, randDebtAsset.Denom) if coins.AmountOf(randCollateralParam.Denom).IsZero() { return simulation.NoOpMsg(cdp.ModuleName), nil, nil } price, err := pfk.GetCurrentPrice(ctx, randCollateralParam.MarketID) if err != nil { return simulation.NoOpMsg(cdp.ModuleName), nil, err } // convert the price to the same units as the debt param priceShifted := ShiftDec(price.Price, randDebtParam.ConversionFactor) existingCDP, found := k.GetCdpByOwnerAndDenom(ctx, acc.GetAddress(), randCollateralParam.Denom) if !found { // calculate the minimum amount of collateral that is needed to create a cdp with the debt floor amount of debt and the minimum liquidation ratio // (debtFloor * liquidationRatio)/priceShifted minCollateralDeposit := (sdk.NewDecFromInt(randDebtParam.DebtFloor).Mul(randCollateralParam.LiquidationRatio)).Quo(priceShifted) // convert to proper collateral units minCollateralDeposit = ShiftDec(minCollateralDeposit, randCollateralParam.ConversionFactor) // convert to integer and always round up minCollateralDepositRounded := minCollateralDeposit.TruncateInt().Add(sdk.OneInt()) // if the account has less than the min deposit, return if coins.AmountOf(randCollateralParam.Denom).LT(minCollateralDepositRounded) { return simulation.NoOpMsg(cdp.ModuleName), nil, nil } // set the max collateral deposit to the amount of coins in the account maxCollateralDeposit := coins.AmountOf(randCollateralParam.Denom) // randomly select a collateral deposit amount collateralDeposit := sdk.NewInt(int64(simulation.RandIntBetween(r, int(minCollateralDepositRounded.Int64()), int(maxCollateralDeposit.Int64())))) // calculate how much the randomly selected deposit is worth collateralDepositValue := ShiftDec(sdk.NewDecFromInt(collateralDeposit), randCollateralParam.ConversionFactor.Neg()).Mul(priceShifted) // calculate the max amount of debt that could be drawn for the chosen deposit maxDebtDraw := collateralDepositValue.Quo(randCollateralParam.LiquidationRatio).TruncateInt() // randomly select a debt draw amount debtDraw := sdk.NewInt(int64(simulation.RandIntBetween(r, int(randDebtParam.DebtFloor.Int64()), int(maxDebtDraw.Int64())))) msg := cdp.NewMsgCreateCDP(acc.GetAddress(), sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(randCollateralParam.Denom, collateralDeposit)), sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(randDebtParam.Denom, debtDraw))) err := msg.ValidateBasic() if err != nil { return simulation.NoOpMsg(cdp.ModuleName), nil, fmt.Errorf("expected msg to pass ValidateBasic: %v", err) } ok := submitMsg(msg, handler, ctx) if !ok { return simulation.NoOpMsg(cdp.ModuleName), nil, fmt.Errorf("could not submit create cdp msg") } return simulation.NewOperationMsg(msg, ok, "create cdp"), nil, nil } // a cdp already exists, deposit to it, draw debt from it, or repay debt to it // close 25% of the time if canClose(acc, existingCDP, randDebtParam.Denom) && shouldClose(r) { repaymentAmount := coins.AmountOf(randDebtParam.Denom) msg := cdp.NewMsgRepayDebt(acc.GetAddress(), randCollateralParam.Denom, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(randDebtParam.Denom, repaymentAmount))) err := msg.ValidateBasic() if err != nil { return simulation.NoOpMsg(cdp.ModuleName), nil, fmt.Errorf("expected repay (close) msg to pass ValidateBasic: %v", err) } ok := submitMsg(msg, handler, ctx) if !ok { return simulation.NoOpMsg(cdp.ModuleName), nil, fmt.Errorf("could not submit repay (close) msg") } return simulation.NewOperationMsg(msg, ok, "repay debt (close) cdp"), nil, nil } // deposit 25% of the time if hasCoins(acc, randCollateralParam.Denom) && shouldDeposit(r) { randDepositAmount := sdk.NewInt(int64(simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, int(acc.GetCoins().AmountOf(randCollateralParam.Denom).Int64())))) msg := cdp.NewMsgDeposit(acc.GetAddress(), acc.GetAddress(), sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(randCollateralParam.Denom, randDepositAmount))) err := msg.ValidateBasic() if err != nil { return simulation.NoOpMsg(cdp.ModuleName), nil, fmt.Errorf("expected deposit msg to pass ValidateBasic: %v", err) } ok := submitMsg(msg, handler, ctx) if !ok { return simulation.NoOpMsg(cdp.ModuleName), nil, fmt.Errorf("could not submit deposit msg") } return simulation.NewOperationMsg(msg, ok, "deposit to cdp"), nil, nil } // draw debt 25% of the time if shouldDraw(r) { collateralShifted := ShiftDec(sdk.NewDecFromInt(existingCDP.Collateral.AmountOf(randCollateralParam.Denom)), randCollateralParam.ConversionFactor.Neg()) collateralValue := collateralShifted.Mul(priceShifted) debt := (existingCDP.Principal.Add(existingCDP.AccumulatedFees)).AmountOf(randDebtParam.Denom) maxTotalDebt := collateralValue.Quo(randCollateralParam.LiquidationRatio) maxDebt := maxTotalDebt.Sub(sdk.NewDecFromInt(debt)).TruncateInt().Sub(sdk.OneInt()) randDrawAmount := sdk.NewInt(int64(simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, int(maxDebt.Int64())))) msg := cdp.NewMsgDrawDebt(acc.GetAddress(), randCollateralParam.Denom, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(randDebtParam.Denom, randDrawAmount))) err := msg.ValidateBasic() if err != nil { return simulation.NoOpMsg(cdp.ModuleName), nil, fmt.Errorf("expected draw msg to pass ValidateBasic: %v", err) } ok := submitMsg(msg, handler, ctx) if !ok { return simulation.NoOpMsg(cdp.ModuleName), nil, fmt.Errorf("could not submit draw msg") } return simulation.NewOperationMsg(msg, ok, "draw debt from cdp"), nil, nil } // repay debt 25% of the time if hasCoins(acc, randDebtParam.Denom) { debt := (existingCDP.Principal.Add(existingCDP.AccumulatedFees)).AmountOf(randDebtParam.Denom) maxRepay := acc.GetCoins().AmountOf(randDebtParam.Denom) payableDebt := debt.Sub(randDebtParam.DebtFloor) if maxRepay.GT(payableDebt) { maxRepay = payableDebt } randRepayAmount := sdk.NewInt(int64(simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, int(maxRepay.Int64())))) if debt.Equal(randDebtParam.DebtFloor) { if acc.GetCoins().AmountOf(randDebtParam.Denom).GTE(debt) { randRepayAmount = debt } } msg := cdp.NewMsgRepayDebt(acc.GetAddress(), randCollateralParam.Denom, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(randDebtParam.Denom, randRepayAmount))) err := msg.ValidateBasic() if err != nil { return simulation.NoOpMsg(cdp.ModuleName), nil, fmt.Errorf("expected repay msg to pass ValidateBasic: %v", err) } ok := submitMsg(msg, handler, ctx) if !ok { return simulation.NoOpMsg(cdp.ModuleName), nil, fmt.Errorf("could not submit repay msg") } return simulation.NewOperationMsg(msg, ok, "repay debt cdp"), nil, nil } return simulation.NewOperationMsgBasic(cdp.ModuleName, "no-operation (no valid actions)", "", false, nil), nil, nil } } func submitMsg(msg sdk.Msg, handler sdk.Handler, ctx sdk.Context) (ok bool) { ctx, write := ctx.CacheContext() res := handler(ctx, msg) if res.IsOK() { write() } else { fmt.Println(res.Log) } return res.IsOK() } func shouldDraw(r *rand.Rand) bool { threshold := 50 value := simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, 100) if value > threshold { return true } return false } func shouldDeposit(r *rand.Rand) bool { threshold := 66 value := simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, 100) if value > threshold { return true } return false } func hasCoins(acc authexported.Account, denom string) bool { if acc.GetCoins().AmountOf(denom).IsZero() { return false } return true } func shouldClose(r *rand.Rand) bool { threshold := 75 value := simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, 100) if value > threshold { return true } return false } func canClose(acc authexported.Account, c cdp.CDP, denom string) bool { repaymentAmount := c.Principal.Add(c.AccumulatedFees).AmountOf(denom) if acc.GetCoins().AmountOf(denom).GTE(repaymentAmount) { return true } return false }