syntax = "proto3"; package cosmos.autocli.v1; import "cosmos/autocli/v1/options.proto"; import "cosmos/query/v1/query.proto"; option go_package = ";cliv1"; // RemoteInfoService provides clients with the information they need // to build dynamically CLI clients for remote chains. service Query { // AppOptions returns the autocli options for all of the modules in an app. rpc AppOptions(AppOptionsRequest) returns (AppOptionsResponse) { // NOTE: autocli options SHOULD NOT be part of consensus and module_query_safe // should be kept as false. option (cosmos.query.v1.module_query_safe) = false; } } // AppOptionsRequest is the RemoteInfoService/AppOptions request type. message AppOptionsRequest {} // AppOptionsResponse is the RemoteInfoService/AppOptions response type. message AppOptionsResponse { // module_options is a map of module name to autocli module options. map module_options = 1; }