# State ## Parameters and Genesis State `Parameters` define the governance parameters that control inflation of KAVA. Each parameter is an APY/inflation used in conjunction with the block time to calculate how much KAVA to mint for what purposes. See [params](./05_params.md) for a description of each param. ```go // Params wraps the governance parameters for the kavamint module type Params struct { // yearly inflation of total token supply minted to the community pool. CommunityPoolInflation sdk.Dec `json:"community_pool_inflation" yaml:"community_pool_inflation"` // yearly inflation of bonded tokens minted for staking rewards to validators. StakingRewardsApy sdk.Dec `json:"staking_rewards_apy" yaml:"staking_rewards_apy"` } ``` `GenesisState` defines the state that must be persisted when the blockchain stops/restarts in order for normal function of the kavamint module to resume. ```go // GenesisState defines the kavamint module's genesis state. type GenesisState struct { // params defines all the parameters of the module. Params Params `json:"params" yaml:"params"` } ``` ## Previous Block Time The `PreviousBlockTime` is stored in the keeper and updated each block. In the BeginBlocker, the number of seconds between the current and previous block is determined and used to calculate how much KAVA should be minted for each