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synced 2025-02-23 12:36:45 +00:00
Optimize CDP Begin Blocker (#1822)
* optimize cdp begin blocker by removing unnecessary checks, reusing data and prefix stores in loops, and reducing number of repeated calculations * fix panic for new cdp types if both previous accural time and global interest factor are not set * do not touch global interest factor if no CDP's exist; revert to panic if global interest factor is not found since this is an unreachable state by normal keeper operation -- it can only be reached if store is modified outside of public interface and normal operation
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ func BeginBlocker(ctx sdk.Context, req abci.RequestBeginBlock, k keeper.Keeper)
ctx.Logger().Debug(fmt.Sprintf("running x/cdp SynchronizeInterestForRiskyCDPs and LiquidateCdps for %s", cp.Type))
err = k.SynchronizeInterestForRiskyCDPs(ctx, cp.CheckCollateralizationIndexCount, sdk.MaxSortableDec, cp.Type)
err = k.SynchronizeInterestForRiskyCDPs(ctx, sdk.MaxSortableDec, cp)
if err != nil {
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
sdkmath "cosmossdk.io/math"
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ import (
pricefeedtypes "github.com/kava-labs/kava/x/pricefeed/types"
type ModuleTestSuite struct {
@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ func (suite *ModuleTestSuite) SetupTest() {
ctx := tApp.NewContext(true, tmproto.Header{Height: 1, Time: tmtime.Now()})
tracker := liquidationTracker{}
coins := cs(c("btc", 100000000), c("xrp", 10000000000))
coins := cs(c("btc", 100000000), c("xrp", 10000000000), c("erc20/usdc", 10000000000))
_, addrs := app.GeneratePrivKeyAddressPairs(100)
authGS := app.NewFundedGenStateWithSameCoins(tApp.AppCodec(), coins, addrs)
@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ func (suite *ModuleTestSuite) createCdps() {
cdps := make(types.CDPs, 100)
tracker := liquidationTracker{}
coins := cs(c("btc", 100000000), c("xrp", 10000000000))
coins := cs(c("btc", 100000000), c("xrp", 10000000000), c("erc20/usdc", 10000000000))
_, addrs := app.GeneratePrivKeyAddressPairs(100)
authGS := app.NewFundedGenStateWithSameCoins(tApp.AppCodec(), coins, addrs)
@ -124,6 +126,86 @@ func (suite *ModuleTestSuite) setPrice(price sdk.Dec, market string) {
suite.Equal(price, pp.Price)
func (suite *ModuleTestSuite) TestBeginBlockNewCdpTypeSetsGlobalInterest() {
// add a new collateral that does not have previous accumulation time or global interest factor set
params := suite.keeper.GetParams(suite.ctx)
usdcCollateral := types.CollateralParam{
Denom: "erc20/usdc",
Type: "erc20-usdc",
LiquidationRatio: sdk.MustNewDecFromStr("1.01"),
DebtLimit: sdk.NewInt64Coin("usdx", 500000000000),
StabilityFee: sdk.OneDec(),
AuctionSize: sdkmath.NewIntFromUint64(10000000000),
LiquidationPenalty: sdk.MustNewDecFromStr("0.05"),
CheckCollateralizationIndexCount: sdkmath.NewInt(10),
KeeperRewardPercentage: sdk.MustNewDecFromStr("0.01"),
SpotMarketID: "usdc:usd",
LiquidationMarketID: "usdc:usd",
ConversionFactor: sdkmath.NewInt(6),
usdtCollateral := types.CollateralParam{
Denom: "erc20/usdt",
Type: "erc20-usdt",
LiquidationRatio: sdk.MustNewDecFromStr("1.01"),
DebtLimit: sdk.NewInt64Coin("usdx", 500000000000),
StabilityFee: sdk.OneDec(),
AuctionSize: sdkmath.NewIntFromUint64(10000000000),
LiquidationPenalty: sdk.MustNewDecFromStr("0.05"),
CheckCollateralizationIndexCount: sdkmath.NewInt(10),
KeeperRewardPercentage: sdk.MustNewDecFromStr("0.01"),
SpotMarketID: "usdt:usd",
LiquidationMarketID: "usdt:usd",
ConversionFactor: sdkmath.NewInt(18),
newCollaterals := []types.CollateralParam{usdcCollateral, usdtCollateral}
params.CollateralParams = append(params.CollateralParams, newCollaterals...)
suite.keeper.SetParams(suite.ctx, params)
// setup market for cdp collateral
priceFeedKeeper := suite.app.GetPriceFeedKeeper()
priceParams := priceFeedKeeper.GetParams(suite.ctx)
newMarkets := []pricefeedtypes.Market{
{MarketID: "usdc:usd", BaseAsset: "usdc", QuoteAsset: "usd", Oracles: []sdk.AccAddress{}, Active: true},
{MarketID: "usdt:usd", BaseAsset: "usdt", QuoteAsset: "usd", Oracles: []sdk.AccAddress{}, Active: true},
priceParams.Markets = append(priceParams.Markets, newMarkets...)
priceFeedKeeper.SetParams(suite.ctx, priceParams)
suite.setPrice(d("1"), "usdc:usd")
suite.keeper.UpdatePricefeedStatus(suite.ctx, usdcCollateral.SpotMarketID)
suite.setPrice(d("1"), "usdt:usd")
suite.keeper.UpdatePricefeedStatus(suite.ctx, usdtCollateral.SpotMarketID)
// create a CDP for USDC, no CDPS for USDT
err := suite.keeper.AddCdp(suite.ctx, suite.addrs[0], c(usdcCollateral.Denom, 100000000), c("usdx", 10000000), usdcCollateral.Type)
// ensure begin block does not panic due to no accumulation time or no global interest factor
suite.Require().NotPanics(func() {
cdp.BeginBlocker(suite.ctx, abci.RequestBeginBlock{Header: suite.ctx.BlockHeader()}, suite.keeper)
}, "expected begin blocker not to panic")
// set by accumulate interest (or add cdp above)
// usdc has accural time set
previousAccrualTime, found := suite.keeper.GetPreviousAccrualTime(suite.ctx, usdcCollateral.Type)
suite.Require().True(found, "expected previous accrual time for new market to be set")
suite.Equal(suite.ctx.BlockTime(), previousAccrualTime, "expected previous accrual time to equal block time")
// usdt has accural time set
previousAccrualTime, found = suite.keeper.GetPreviousAccrualTime(suite.ctx, usdtCollateral.Type)
suite.Require().True(found, "expected previous accrual time for new market to be set")
suite.Equal(suite.ctx.BlockTime(), previousAccrualTime, "expected previous accrual time to equal block time")
// set for USDC by AddCdp
globalInterestFactor, found := suite.keeper.GetInterestFactor(suite.ctx, usdcCollateral.Type)
suite.Require().True(found, "expected global interest factor for new collateral to be set")
suite.Equal(sdk.OneDec(), globalInterestFactor, "expected global interest factor to equal 1")
// not set for USDT since it has no cdps
globalInterestFactor, found = suite.keeper.GetInterestFactor(suite.ctx, usdtCollateral.Type)
suite.Require().False(found, "expected global interest factor for new collateral to not be set")
suite.Equal(sdk.ZeroDec(), globalInterestFactor, "expected global interest factor to equal 0")
func (suite *ModuleTestSuite) TestBeginBlock() {
// test setup, creating
// 50 xrp cdps each with
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
sdkmath "cosmossdk.io/math"
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
@ -161,11 +162,110 @@ func (k Keeper) CalculateNewInterest(ctx sdk.Context, cdp types.CDP) sdk.Coin {
// SynchronizeInterestForRiskyCDPs synchronizes the interest for the slice of cdps with the lowest collateral:debt ratio
func (k Keeper) SynchronizeInterestForRiskyCDPs(ctx sdk.Context, slice sdkmath.Int, targetRatio sdk.Dec, collateralType string) error {
cdps := k.GetSliceOfCDPsByRatioAndType(ctx, slice, targetRatio, collateralType)
for _, cdp := range cdps {
k.hooks.BeforeCDPModified(ctx, cdp)
k.SynchronizeInterest(ctx, cdp)
func (k Keeper) SynchronizeInterestForRiskyCDPs(ctx sdk.Context, targetRatio sdk.Dec, cp types.CollateralParam) error {
debtParam := k.GetParams(ctx).DebtParam
cdpStore := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.key), types.CdpKeyPrefix)
collateralRatioStore := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.key), types.CollateralRatioIndexPrefix)
cdpIDs := make([]uint64, 0, cp.CheckCollateralizationIndexCount.Int64())
iterator := collateralRatioStore.Iterator(types.CollateralRatioIterKey(cp.Type, sdk.ZeroDec()), types.CollateralRatioIterKey(cp.Type, targetRatio))
for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
_, id, _ := types.SplitCollateralRatioKey(iterator.Key())
cdpIDs = append(cdpIDs, id)
if int64(len(cdpIDs)) >= cp.CheckCollateralizationIndexCount.Int64() {
globalInterestFactor, found := k.GetInterestFactor(ctx, cp.Type)
if !found && len(cdpIDs) > 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("global interest factor not found for type %s", cp.Type))
prevAccrualTime, found := k.GetPreviousAccrualTime(ctx, cp.Type)
if !found {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("previous accrual time not found for type %s", cp.Type))
for _, cdpID := range cdpIDs {
bz := cdpStore.Get(types.CdpKey(cp.Type, cdpID))
if bz == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cdp %d does not exist", cdpID))
var cdp types.CDP
k.cdc.MustUnmarshal(bz, &cdp)
if debtParam.Denom != cdp.GetTotalPrincipal().Denom {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unkown debt param %s", cdp.GetTotalPrincipal().Denom))
k.hooks.BeforeCDPModified(ctx, cdp)
accumulatedInterest := sdk.ZeroInt()
cdpInterestFactor := globalInterestFactor.Quo(cdp.InterestFactor)
if !cdpInterestFactor.Equal(sdk.OneDec()) {
accumulatedInterest = sdk.NewDecFromInt(cdp.GetTotalPrincipal().Amount).Mul(cdpInterestFactor).RoundInt().Sub(cdp.GetTotalPrincipal().Amount)
if accumulatedInterest.IsZero() {
// accumulated interest is zero if apy is zero or are if the total fees for all cdps round to zero
if cdp.FeesUpdated.Equal(prevAccrualTime) {
// if all fees are rounding to zero, don't update FeesUpdated
// if apy is zero, we need to update FeesUpdated
cdp.FeesUpdated = prevAccrualTime
bz = k.cdc.MustMarshal(&cdp)
cdpStore.Set(types.CdpKey(cdp.Type, cdp.ID), bz)
previousCollateralRatio := calculateCollateralRatio(debtParam, cp, cdp)
cdp.AccumulatedFees = cdp.AccumulatedFees.Add(sdk.NewCoin(cdp.AccumulatedFees.Denom, accumulatedInterest))
cdp.FeesUpdated = prevAccrualTime
cdp.InterestFactor = globalInterestFactor
updatedCollateralRatio := calculateCollateralRatio(debtParam, cp, cdp)
collateralRatioStore.Delete(types.CollateralRatioKey(cdp.Type, cdp.ID, previousCollateralRatio))
bz = k.cdc.MustMarshal(&cdp)
cdpStore.Set(types.CdpKey(cdp.Type, cdp.ID), bz)
collateralRatioStore.Set(types.CollateralRatioKey(cdp.Type, cdp.ID, updatedCollateralRatio), types.GetCdpIDBytes(cdp.ID))
return nil
func calculateCollateralRatio(debtParam types.DebtParam, collateralParam types.CollateralParam, cdp types.CDP) sdk.Dec {
debtTotal := sdk.NewDecFromInt(cdp.GetTotalPrincipal().Amount).Mul(sdk.NewDecFromIntWithPrec(sdk.OneInt(), debtParam.ConversionFactor.Int64()))
if debtTotal.IsZero() || debtTotal.GTE(types.MaxSortableDec) {
return types.MaxSortableDec.Sub(sdk.SmallestDec())
} else {
collateralBaseUnits := sdk.NewDecFromInt(cdp.Collateral.Amount).Mul(sdk.NewDecFromIntWithPrec(sdk.OneInt(), collateralParam.ConversionFactor.Int64()))
return collateralBaseUnits.Quo(debtTotal)
@ -713,7 +713,19 @@ func (suite *InterestTestSuite) TestSyncInterestForRiskyCDPs() {
err = suite.keeper.AccumulateInterest(suite.ctx, tc.args.ctype)
err = suite.keeper.SynchronizeInterestForRiskyCDPs(suite.ctx, i(int64(tc.args.slice)), sdk.MaxSortableDec, tc.args.ctype)
params := suite.keeper.GetParams(suite.ctx)
var ctype types.CollateralParam
for _, cp := range params.CollateralParams {
if cp.Type == tc.args.ctype {
ctype = cp
cp.CheckCollateralizationIndexCount = sdk.NewInt(int64(tc.args.slice))
err = suite.keeper.SynchronizeInterestForRiskyCDPs(suite.ctx, sdk.MaxSortableDec, ctype)
cdpsUpdatedCount := 0
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