mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 00:05:18 +00:00
stop sending zero coins
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ func (k Keeper) StartReverseAuction(ctx sdk.Context, buyer string, bid sdk.Coin,
// This auction type mints coins at close. Need to check module account has minting privileges to avoid potential err in endblocker.
macc := k.supplyKeeper.GetModuleAccount(ctx, buyer)
if !macc.HasPermission(supply.Minter) { // TODO ideally don't want to import supply
if !macc.HasPermission(supply.Minter) {
return 0, sdk.ErrInternal("module does not have minting permissions")
// store the auction
@ -103,7 +103,11 @@ func (k Keeper) PlaceBid(ctx sdk.Context, auctionID uint64, bidder sdk.AccAddres
return err
case types.ForwardReverseAuction:
a, err = k.PlaceBidForwardReverse(ctx, auc, bidder, bid, lot)
if !auc.IsReversePhase() {
a, err = k.PlaceBidForwardReverseForward(ctx, auc, bidder, bid)
} else {
a, err = k.PlaceBidForwardReverseReverse(ctx, auc, bidder, lot)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -126,24 +130,23 @@ func (k Keeper) PlaceBidForward(ctx sdk.Context, a types.ForwardAuction, bidder
// Move Coins
increment := bid.Sub(a.Bid)
bidAmtToReturn := a.Bid
if bidder.Equals(a.Bidder) { // catch edge case of someone updating their bid with a low balance
bidAmtToReturn = sdk.NewInt64Coin(a.Bid.Denom, 0)
err := k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx, bidder, types.ModuleName, sdk.NewCoins(bidAmtToReturn.Add(increment)))
if !bidder.Equals(a.Bidder) && !a.Bid.IsZero() { // catch edge case of someone updating their bid with a low balance, also don't send if amt is zero
// pay back previous bidder
err := k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx, bidder, types.ModuleName, sdk.NewCoins(a.Bid))
if err != nil {
return a, err
err = k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx, types.ModuleName, a.Bidder, sdk.NewCoins(bidAmtToReturn))
err = k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx, types.ModuleName, a.Bidder, sdk.NewCoins(a.Bid))
if err != nil {
return a, err
err = k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToModule(ctx, types.ModuleName, a.Initiator, sdk.NewCoins(increment)) // increase in bid size is burned
// burn increase in bid
err := k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx, bidder, a.Initiator, sdk.NewCoins(bid.Sub(a.Bid)))
if err != nil {
return a, err
err = k.supplyKeeper.BurnCoins(ctx, a.Initiator, sdk.NewCoins(increment))
err = k.supplyKeeper.BurnCoins(ctx, a.Initiator, sdk.NewCoins(bid.Sub(a.Bid)))
if err != nil {
return a, err
@ -156,26 +159,50 @@ func (k Keeper) PlaceBidForward(ctx sdk.Context, a types.ForwardAuction, bidder
return a, nil
func (k Keeper) PlaceBidForwardReverse(ctx sdk.Context, a types.ForwardReverseAuction, bidder sdk.AccAddress, bid sdk.Coin, lot sdk.Coin) (types.ForwardReverseAuction, sdk.Error) {
// Validate New Bid // TODO min bid increments, make validation code less confusing
if !a.Bid.IsEqual(a.MaxBid) {
// Auction is in forward phase, a bid here can put the auction into forward or reverse phases
// TODO naming
func (k Keeper) PlaceBidForwardReverseForward(ctx sdk.Context, a types.ForwardReverseAuction, bidder sdk.AccAddress, bid sdk.Coin) (types.ForwardReverseAuction, sdk.Error) {
// Validate bid
if a.IsReversePhase() {
return a, sdk.ErrInternal("auction is not in forward phase")
if !a.Bid.IsLT(bid) {
return a, sdk.ErrInternal("auction in forward phase, new bid not higher than last bid")
if a.MaxBid.IsLT(bid) {
return a, sdk.ErrInternal("bid higher than max bid")
if lot.IsNegative() || a.Lot.IsLT(lot) {
return a, sdk.ErrInternal("lot out of bounds")
// Move Coins
// pay back previous bidder
if !bidder.Equals(a.Bidder) && !a.Bid.IsZero() { // catch edge case of someone updating their bid with a low balance, also don't send if amt is zero
err := k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx, bidder, types.ModuleName, sdk.NewCoins(a.Bid))
if err != nil {
return a, err
if lot.IsLT(a.Lot) && !bid.IsEqual(a.MaxBid) {
return a, sdk.ErrInternal("auction cannot enter reverse phase without bidding max bid")
err = k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx, types.ModuleName, a.Bidder, sdk.NewCoins(a.Bid))
if err != nil {
return a, err
} else {
// Auction is in reverse phase, it can never leave reverse phase
if !bid.IsEqual(a.MaxBid) {
return a, sdk.ErrInternal("") // not necessary
// pay increase in bid to auction initiator
err := k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx, bidder, a.Initiator, sdk.NewCoins(bid.Sub(a.Bid)))
if err != nil {
return a, err
// Update Auction
a.Bidder = bidder
a.Bid = bid
// increment timeout
a.EndTime = earliestTime(ctx.BlockTime().Add(types.DefaultBidDuration), a.MaxEndTime)
return a, nil
func (k Keeper) PlaceBidForwardReverseReverse(ctx sdk.Context, a types.ForwardReverseAuction, bidder sdk.AccAddress, lot sdk.Coin) (types.ForwardReverseAuction, sdk.Error) {
// Validate bid
if !a.IsReversePhase() {
return a, sdk.ErrInternal("auction not in reverse phase")
if lot.IsNegative() {
return a, sdk.ErrInternal("can't bid negative amount")
@ -183,29 +210,20 @@ func (k Keeper) PlaceBidForwardReverse(ctx sdk.Context, a types.ForwardReverseAu
if !lot.IsLT(a.Lot) {
return a, sdk.ErrInternal("auction in reverse phase, new bid not less than previous amount")
// Move Coins
bidIncrement := bid.Sub(a.Bid)
bidAmtToReturn := a.Bid
lotDecrement := a.Lot.Sub(lot)
if bidder.Equals(a.Bidder) { // catch edge case of someone updating their bid with a low balance
bidAmtToReturn = sdk.NewInt64Coin(a.Bid.Denom, 0)
err := k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx, bidder, types.ModuleName, sdk.NewCoins(bidAmtToReturn.Add(bidIncrement)))
if !bidder.Equals(a.Bidder) { // catch edge case of someone updating their bid with a low balance
err := k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx, bidder, types.ModuleName, sdk.NewCoins(a.Bid))
if err != nil {
return a, err
err = k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx, types.ModuleName, a.Bidder, sdk.NewCoins(bidAmtToReturn))
err = k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx, types.ModuleName, a.Bidder, sdk.NewCoins(a.Bid))
if err != nil {
return a, err
err = k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToModule(ctx, types.ModuleName, a.Initiator, sdk.NewCoins(bidIncrement))
if err != nil {
return a, err
// FIXME paying out rateably to cdp depositors is vulnerable to errors compounding over multiple bids
lotPayouts, err := splitCoinIntoWeightedBuckets(lotDecrement, a.LotReturns.Weights)
lotPayouts, err := splitCoinIntoWeightedBuckets(a.Lot.Sub(lot), a.LotReturns.Weights)
if err != nil {
return a, err
@ -219,12 +237,12 @@ func (k Keeper) PlaceBidForwardReverse(ctx sdk.Context, a types.ForwardReverseAu
// Update Auction
a.Bidder = bidder
a.Lot = lot
a.Bid = bid
// increment timeout
a.EndTime = earliestTime(ctx.BlockTime().Add(types.DefaultBidDuration), a.MaxEndTime)
return a, nil
func (k Keeper) PlaceBidReverse(ctx sdk.Context, a types.ReverseAuction, bidder sdk.AccAddress, lot sdk.Coin) (types.ReverseAuction, sdk.Error) {
// Validate New Bid
if lot.Denom != a.Lot.Denom {
@ -238,18 +256,16 @@ func (k Keeper) PlaceBidReverse(ctx sdk.Context, a types.ReverseAuction, bidder
// Move Coins
bidAmtToReturn := a.Bid
if bidder.Equals(a.Bidder) { // catch edge case of someone updating their bid with a low balance
bidAmtToReturn = sdk.NewInt64Coin(a.Bid.Denom, 0)
err := k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx, bidder, types.ModuleName, sdk.NewCoins(bidAmtToReturn))
if !bidder.Equals(a.Bidder) { // catch edge case of someone updating their bid with a low balance
err := k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx, bidder, types.ModuleName, sdk.NewCoins(a.Bid))
if err != nil {
return a, err
err = k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx, types.ModuleName, a.Bidder, sdk.NewCoins(bidAmtToReturn))
err = k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx, types.ModuleName, a.Bidder, sdk.NewCoins(a.Bid))
if err != nil {
return a, err
// Update Auction
a.Bidder = bidder
@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ func TestForwardReverseAuctionBasic(t *testing.T) {
// Place a reverse bid
require.NoError(t, keeper.PlaceBid(ctx, 0, buyer, c("token2", 50), c("token1", 15))) // bid, lot
require.NoError(t, keeper.PlaceBid(ctx, 0, buyer, c("token2", 50), c("token1", 15))) // first bid up to max bid to switch phases
require.NoError(t, keeper.PlaceBid(ctx, 0, buyer, c("token2", 50), c("token1", 15)))
// Check bidder's coins have decreased
tApp.CheckBalance(t, ctx, buyer, cs(c("token1", 100), c("token2", 50)))
// Check seller's coins have increased
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func NewForwardAuction(seller string, lot sdk.Coin, bidDenom string, endTime tim
// no ID
Initiator: seller,
Lot: lot,
Bidder: nil, // TODO on the first place bid, 0 coins will be sent to this address, check if this causes problems or can be avoided
Bidder: nil,
Bid: sdk.NewInt64Coin(bidDenom, 0),
EndTime: endTime,
MaxEndTime: endTime,
@ -90,10 +90,9 @@ func (a ReverseAuction) WithID(id uint64) Auction { a.ID = id; return a }
// NewReverseAuction creates a new reverse auction
func NewReverseAuction(buyerModAccName string, bid sdk.Coin, initialLot sdk.Coin, EndTime time.Time) ReverseAuction {
// TODO setting the bidder here is a bit hacky
// Needs to be set so that when the first bid is placed, it is paid out to the initiator.
// Setting to the module account address bypasses calling supply.SendCoinsFromModuleToModule, instead calls SendCoinsFromModuleToModule. Not a problem currently but if checks/logic regarding modules accounts where added to those methods they would be bypassed.
// Alternative: set address to nil, and catch it in an if statement in place bid
// Note: Bidder is set to the initiator's module account address instead of module name. (when the first bid is placed, it is paid out to the initiator)
// Setting to the module account address bypasses calling supply.SendCoinsFromModuleToModule, instead calls SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount.
// This isn't a problem currently, but if additional logic/validation was added for sending to coins to Module Accounts, it would be bypassed.
auction := ReverseAuction{BaseAuction{
// no ID
Initiator: buyerModAccName,
@ -116,6 +115,10 @@ type ForwardReverseAuction struct {
// WithID returns an auction with the ID set
func (a ForwardReverseAuction) WithID(id uint64) Auction { a.ID = id; return a }
func (a ForwardReverseAuction) IsReversePhase() bool {
return a.Bid.IsEqual(a.MaxBid)
func (a ForwardReverseAuction) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`Auction %d:
Initiator: %s
@ -139,7 +142,7 @@ func NewForwardReverseAuction(seller string, lot sdk.Coin, EndTime time.Time, ma
// no ID
Initiator: seller,
Lot: lot,
Bidder: nil, // TODO on the first place bid, 0 coins will be sent to this address, check if this causes problems or can be avoided
Bidder: nil,
Bid: sdk.NewInt64Coin(maxBid.Denom, 0),
EndTime: EndTime,
MaxEndTime: EndTime},
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import (
const (
// DefaultMaxAuctionDuration max length of auction
DefaultMaxAuctionDuration time.Duration = 2 * 24 * time.Hour
// DefaultBidDuration how long an auction gets extended when someone bids, roughly 3 hours in blocks
DefaultBidDuration time.Duration = 3 * time.Hour
// DefaultBidDuration how long an auction gets extended when someone bids
DefaultBidDuration time.Duration = 1 * time.Hour
// Parameter keys
Reference in New Issue
Block a user