2023-10-11 17:22:25 +00:00
package e2e_test
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
2024-08-03 10:45:49 +00:00
// func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestCommunityUpdateParams_NonAuthority() {
// // setup kava account
// funds := ukava(1e5) // .1 KAVA
// kavaAcc := suite.Kava.NewFundedAccount("community-non-authority", sdk.NewCoins(funds))
// gasLimit := int64(2e5)
// fee := ukava(200)
// msg := communitytypes.NewMsgUpdateParams(
// kavaAcc.SdkAddress,
// communitytypes.DefaultParams(),
// )
// // ACT
// req := util.KavaMsgRequest{
// Msgs: []sdk.Msg{&msg},
// GasLimit: uint64(gasLimit),
// FeeAmount: sdk.NewCoins(fee),
// Memo: "this is a failure!",
// }
// res := kavaAcc.SignAndBroadcastKavaTx(req)
// // ASSERT
// _, err := util.WaitForSdkTxCommit(suite.Kava.Grpc.Query.Tx, res.Result.TxHash, 6*time.Second)
// suite.Require().Error(err)
// suite.Require().ErrorContains(
// err,
// govtypes.ErrInvalidSigner.Error(),
// "should return with authority check error",
// )
// }
// func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestCommunityUpdateParams_Authority() {
// govParamsRes, err := suite.Kava.Grpc.Query.Gov.Params(context.Background(), &govv1.QueryParamsRequest{
// ParamsType: govv1.ParamDeposit,
// })
// suite.NoError(err)
// // Check initial params
// communityParamsResInitial, err := suite.Kava.Grpc.Query.Community.Params(
// context.Background(),
// &communitytypes.QueryParamsRequest{},
// )
// suite.Require().NoError(err)
// // setup kava account
// // .1 KAVA + min deposit amount for proposal
// funds := sdk.NewCoins(ukava(1e5)).Add(govParamsRes.DepositParams.MinDeposit...)
// kavaAcc := suite.Kava.NewFundedAccount("community-update-params", funds)
// gasLimit := int64(2e5)
// fee := ukava(200)
// // Wait until switchover actually happens - When testing without the upgrade
// // handler that sets a relative switchover time, the switchover time in
// // genesis should be set in the past so it runs immediately.
// suite.Require().Eventually(
// func() bool {
// params, err := suite.Kava.Grpc.Query.Community.Params(
// context.Background(),
// &communitytypes.QueryParamsRequest{},
// )
// suite.Require().NoError(err)
// return params.Params.UpgradeTimeDisableInflation.Equal(time.Time{})
// },
// 20*time.Second,
// 1*time.Second,
// "switchover should happen",
// )
// // Add 1 to the staking rewards per second
// newStakingRewardsPerSecond := communityParamsResInitial.Params.
// StakingRewardsPerSecond.
// Add(sdkmath.LegacyNewDec(1))
// // 1. Proposal
// // Only modify stakingRewardsPerSecond, as to not re-run the switchover and
// // to not influence other tests
// updateParamsMsg := communitytypes.NewMsgUpdateParams(
// authtypes.NewModuleAddress(govtypes.ModuleName), // authority
// communitytypes.NewParams(
// time.Time{}, // after switchover, is empty
// newStakingRewardsPerSecond, // only modify stakingRewardsPerSecond
// communityParamsResInitial.Params.UpgradeTimeSetStakingRewardsPerSecond,
// ),
// )
// // Make sure we're actually changing the params
// suite.NotEqual(
// updateParamsMsg.Params,
// communityParamsResInitial.Params,
// "new params should be different from existing",
// )
// proposalMsg, err := govv1.NewMsgSubmitProposal(
// []sdk.Msg{&updateParamsMsg},
// govParamsRes.Params.MinDeposit,
// kavaAcc.SdkAddress.String(),
// "community-update-params",
// "title",
// "summary",
// )
// suite.NoError(err)
// req := util.KavaMsgRequest{
// Msgs: []sdk.Msg{proposalMsg},
// GasLimit: uint64(gasLimit),
// FeeAmount: sdk.NewCoins(fee),
// Memo: "this is a proposal please accept me",
// }
// res := kavaAcc.SignAndBroadcastKavaTx(req)
// suite.Require().NoError(res.Err)
// // Wait for proposal to be submitted
// txRes, err := util.WaitForSdkTxCommit(suite.Kava.Grpc.Query.Tx, res.Result.TxHash, 6*time.Second)
// suite.Require().NoError(err)
// // Parse tx response to get proposal id
// var govRes govv1.MsgSubmitProposalResponse
// suite.decodeTxMsgResponse(txRes, &govRes)
// // 2. Vote for proposal from whale account
// whale := suite.Kava.GetAccount(testutil.FundedAccountName)
// voteMsg := govv1.NewMsgVote(
// whale.SdkAddress,
// govRes.ProposalId,
// govv1.OptionYes,
// "",
// )
// voteReq := util.KavaMsgRequest{
// Msgs: []sdk.Msg{voteMsg},
// GasLimit: uint64(gasLimit),
// FeeAmount: sdk.NewCoins(fee),
// Memo: "voting",
// }
// voteRes := whale.SignAndBroadcastKavaTx(voteReq)
// suite.Require().NoError(voteRes.Err)
// _, err = util.WaitForSdkTxCommit(suite.Kava.Grpc.Query.Tx, voteRes.Result.TxHash, 6*time.Second)
// suite.Require().NoError(err)
// // 3. Wait until proposal passes
// suite.Require().Eventually(func() bool {
// proposalRes, err := suite.Kava.Grpc.Query.Gov.Proposal(context.Background(), &govv1.QueryProposalRequest{
// ProposalId: govRes.ProposalId,
// })
// suite.NoError(err)
// return proposalRes.Proposal.Status == govv1.StatusPassed
// }, 60*time.Second, 1*time.Second)
// // Check parameters are updated
// communityParamsRes, err := suite.Kava.Grpc.Query.Community.Params(
// context.Background(),
// &communitytypes.QueryParamsRequest{},
// )
// suite.Require().NoError(err)
// suite.Equal(updateParamsMsg.Params, communityParamsRes.Params)
// }
2023-10-11 17:22:25 +00:00
func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) decodeTxMsgResponse(txRes *sdk.TxResponse, ptr codec.ProtoMarshaler) {
// convert txRes.Data hex string to bytes
txResBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(txRes.Data)
// Unmarshal data to TxMsgData
var txMsgData sdk.TxMsgData
suite.Kava.EncodingConfig.Marshaler.MustUnmarshal(txResBytes, &txMsgData)
suite.T().Logf("txData.MsgResponses: %v", txMsgData.MsgResponses)
// Parse MsgResponse
suite.Kava.EncodingConfig.Marshaler.MustUnmarshal(txMsgData.MsgResponses[0].Value, ptr)