`MsgConvertCosmosCoinToERC20` converts an sdk.Coin to an ERC20. This message is for moving Cosmos-native assets from the Cosmos ecosystem to the EVM.
Upon first conversion, the message also deploys the ERC20 contract that will represent the cosmos-sdk asset in the EVM. The contract is owned by the `x/evmutil` module.
service Msg {
// ConvertCosmosCoinToERC20 defines a method for converting a cosmos sdk.Coin to an ERC20.
// ConvertCosmosCoinToERC20 defines a conversion from cosmos sdk.Coin to ERC20.
message MsgConvertCosmosCoinToERC20 {
// Kava bech32 address initiating the conversion.
string initiator = 1;
// EVM hex address that will receive the ERC20 tokens.
string receiver = 2;
// Amount is the sdk.Coin amount to convert.
cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin amount = 3;
### State Changes
- The `AllowedCosmosDenoms` param from `x/evmutil` is checked to ensure the conversion is allowed.
- The module's store is checked for the address of the deployed ERC20 contract. If none is found, a new contract is deployed and its address is saved to the module store.
- The `amount` is deducted from the `initiator`'s balance and transferred to the module account.
- An equivalent amount of ERC20 tokens are minted by `x/evmutil` to the `receiver`.
- The `EnabledConversionPairs` param from `x/evmutil` is checked to ensure the conversion pair is enabled.
- The initiator's ERC20 token from `kava_erc20_address` is locked by transferring it from the initiator's 0x address to the `x/evmutil` module account's 0x address.
- The same amount of sdk.Coin are minted for the corresponding denom of the `kava_erc20_address` in the `EnabledConversionPairs` param. The coins are then transferred to the receiver's Kava address.