If you don't have the database data, the Kava developer team or another validator will share a copy of the database via Amazon s3 or a similar service. You will be able to download a copy of the data and verify it before starting your node.
If you don't have the backup priv_validator_state.json file, you will not have double sign protection on the first block. If this is the case, it's best to consult in the validator discord before starting your node.
## Restoring state procedure
1. Copy the contents of your backup data directory back to the $KVD_HOME/data directory. By default this is ~/.kvd/data.
# Assumes backup is stored in "backup" directory
rm -rf ~/.kvd/data
mv backup/.kvd/data ~/.kvd/data
2. Install the previous version of kava
# from kava directory
git checkout v0.12.4
make install
## verify version
kvd version --long
3. Restart kvd process
### be sure to remove --halt-time flag if it is set